
Walt Whitman's Poetry Research Paper

Decent Essays

Compare and contrast Whitman’s free verse with Robert Frost’s traditional verse. Compare not only the form of their poetry but their themes as well, as discussed by Professor Weinstein.

Walt Whitman and Robert Frost are both considered talented writers as well as many other poets. They both have their own unique style of writing and captivating their readers. Although, they both write about the happenings in the world during their time, their views of the world are different in context. Both of these poets uses everyday people and life experiences as the focus of their work. Robert Frost writings consists of common language, which helps the reader to understand the theme of his poetry, invites them to view the context of his work and gain …show more content…

He uses the word “I” in most of his poems. In poetry was written without rhymes and schemes. In “I Hear America Singing” is uses a list of people, places and events to show the relationship between all that exist in the world, such as human and nature, as well as human and human. For example, “I loafe and invite my soul\ I lean and loafe at my ease observing a spear of summer grass “. Walt Whitman believed in democracy and the themes of his poem prove just that. He used his writings as a way to express the voice of the people and to bring awareness to the situations that exist in the world. In his poetry he described the world as he viewed it, a unified nation composed of unique but equal individuals. When one reads the work of Whitman, they can vision a world where everyone has a purpose and that purpose is unique to that individual. His poetry seems to have no structure as the work of Frost. Whitman chose to use ordinary people as the subjects of his work, so he choice of words is a clear representation of his subjects and adds uniqueness to his

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