
Comparing Walt Whitman And Emily Dickinson's Poetry

Decent Essays

Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson are both considered two of the greatest poets from their time. In a time of very specific writing styles they changed the face of poetry around the world. They have two very different styles of writing translated into their poems. Two prime examples of these styles would be the poems " The Brain-- is wider than the Sky" and "When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer." These poems have the same focus of the brain but there is a great difference in the value each author places on wisdom and knowledge.
Emily Dickinson's work was very neat and short when it came to her poetry. Dickinson’s poems are lyrics, generally defined as short poems with a single speaker (not necessarily the poet) who expresses thought and feeling. As in most lyric poetry, the speaker in Dickinson's poems is often identified in the first person, "I." ( "Major Characteristics of Dickinson’s Poems"). The meter and rhyme Dickinson used in her poem was common a form for poetry following the stressed and unstressed patterns. "Dickinson’s use of dashes however made her poetry seem unconventional to the editors and publishers of her time. While Dickinson's dashes often stand in for more varied …show more content…

Dickinson says "The Brain—is wider than the Sky— /For—put them side by side—/The one the other will contain."( Dickinson stanza 1 lines 1-3). Looking at the first line it is already very obvious she is talking about knowledge and endless imagination. The sky goes on as far as the eye can see and the brain has infinite possibilities with the things the brain can imagine. "The Brain is deeper than the sea—/For—hold them—Blue to Blue—/The one the other will absorb—/As Sponges—Buckets—do—, " ( Dickinson stanza 2 lines 5-8) This stanza is a great example of the theme because she is saying knowledge is absorbed and the brain has limitless amounts of knowledge to soak up like a sponge does to

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