
Walter Palmer Murders

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Walter Palmer killed a well known lion on July 1 2015, the attention from everyone after the kill was awful. Fans of Cecil the lion made their voices clear to be heard, the lion who was in a sanctuary in Zimbabwe was a well known lion that researchers kept an eye on Cecil for basic research, and for entertainment. Walter Palmer was the only person who killed Cecil illegally as he lured the lion off the sanctuary to make the shot. According to the author, “They tied a dead animal to their vehicle to lure Cecil out of the park and they sented an area about half a kilometre from the park. Brian Bakst also talks about how Palmer made the kill illegally. “He’s also accused of bribing a guide and removing Cecil’s GPS collar, a violation of park rules.” said the guards in Zimbabwe. The main problem of Walter Palmer killing the Cecil the lion, people were watching him as he was an important lion. …show more content…

Palmer could have skipped the conflict if he never made the kill or went to Zimbabwe to go hunt. Also if the CNN News didn’t send out an interview or a report of the kill to the public people wouldn’t be so angry about the shot. Instead of sending tweets, reports to the public Palmer could have have missed the whole issue of Cecil the lion. Although it would have went out in public after the researchers have found out Cecil was killed. Palmer’s office also could have helped him out by having his back and say that he actually did not know the lion was known and had a name. Also the the Palmer’s office could just ignore, or just completely not let them have their appointments set up with him or at his practice anymore but that conclusion is only to the customers with the negative attitude toward Palmer’s hunting. Having a different response toward the issue of the kill is like having Palmer go to jail for the illegal kill and that the protesters weren’t allowed to protest at his own home. The kill could be solved by the protesters leaving Walter Palmer alone and to move on from the kill and make Palmer go to jail because of the illegal kill, it would make the protesters, or the people following the lion in the wild much happier and the issue would be

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