
War Dbq

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The conflict of war and its effects have been debated throughout history. Some argue that there are other peaceful alternatives besides war that would lead to a better outcome, but in reality this is not the case. War is a natural part of human interactions, and even though it brings death and destruction, war will not cease to exist. Wars are the human way of getting one group to look superior than the other. The idea of a passive approach is ideal, but it is almost nearly impossible and may not always lead to the same outcome as if a war had taken place. To begin, war itself is a disaster. It tears people and nations apart to fight for what they believe is right. In most cases, the war is unjustified and is absurdly started. Many nations …show more content…

As seen from the eyes of an American soldier, Chris Kyle, a sniper in the Iraq War, “The streets were covered with splinters and various debris… Metal shields blocked most of the storefronts…” (Source A). Just like in most wars, many towns and cities targeted in the Iraq war were destroyed as an effort to break the will of the people or the economy in that area, in hopes of a US led , coalition victory. These destructive raids on cities not only crumple infrastructure, they kill innocent civilians who had nothing to do with the war. The innocent killing of civilians has increased since WWI, the first of the modern wars where civilians were majorly targeted. Since WWI, the ratio of civilian to soldier deaths has risen dramatically. The ratio during WWI was 1 civilian per 9 soldiers, since then, the ratio has flipped to an alarming 9 civilians …show more content…

War stimulates growth, especially for countries that participate in it, but aren't experiencing it on their soil. Not experiencing the war first hand allows for the major focus of war to be the production and mobilization of the nation. In many cases, surprisingly, it is healthy for the economy and production of a country that is mobilizing for war. For example, as America entered WWII, her “GNP rose 15%... the great depression… was thus resolved because the state ‘primed the pump’ of economic demand by means of huge order…” (Source B). Essentially, the war ended the Great Depression in America and boosted her to be the mighty manufacturer she is today. After WWII, many soldiers came back and continued to stimulate the economy and increase manufacturing and population. Women during wartime, gained more freedoms and rights, as they took over jobs men occupied before they left to fight. As well as women, African Americans gained more freedoms and they strived for Civil liberties following the war. Without the war, what would America look like today, would women and African-Americans have gained more

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