
War Powers In Vietnam Essay

Decent Essays

In 1973 towards the end of the Vietnam War, the War Powers Resolution was introduced in the House of Representatives by Rep. Clement J. Zablocki. This bill was proposed following public and government outrage over the draft and failure in the Vietnam War. Its intent was to emphasize the checks and balances over the President’s military actions. Following Richard Nixon’s inauguration, “he began secret bombings in Cambodia...kept secret from Congress and the American people for more than a year” . The Pentagon Papers, and My Lai massacre also solidified the belief that more limits on the President’s military powers were necessary. The bill passed through both chambers of Congress with huge support, but was vetoed by President Nixon on November 7, 1973. …show more content…

The War Powers Resolution passed through the whole legislative process in six months from when it was introduced to the day it was signed into law. The veto voting took place quickly and effectively. The first five months the bill was debated and researched in Congress, but after sending it to the president it took under a month for it to become a law. This law was necessary to add an additional check to Nixon because of his highly unpopular involvement in the Vietnam War. This law helped to make sure the president was not doing whatever he wanted, but “one former US Senator noted in 2008 that no President had ever submitted the precise kinds of reports to Congress required by the Act despite the US’s involvement in numerous armed conflicts” (Nixon 7). Although it became a law and has had some success, the exact provisions are not being followed. The benefits seem to outweigh the costs because, following Nixon’s actions there was great distrust of the government and this attempts to limit the shady deals and actions of the President. Many presidents have opposed the law, but its main impact was a check on the

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