
War Powers Resolution

Best Essays

War Powers Resolution
What have been the political and legal effects of the passage of the War Powers Resolution in 1973?

Table of Contents
Part A: The Plan of Investigation 3
Part B: Summary of Evidence 3
Part C: Evaluation of Sources 5
Part D: Analysis 6
Part E: Conclusion 8
Part F: Sources 9

Part A. Plan of Investigation
Research Question: What have been the political and legal effects of the passage of the War Powers Resolution in 1973? This investigation analyzes what the war powers resolution was, and how it affected the American people. Also how the presidents since it was passed felt about it. To examine what drove Nixon to veto the legislation and what drove congress to override the veto. We will also find out what this had to do with the Arab-Israeli conflict, and the Yom Kippur war. Also, how the American people felt about the resolution and how it would affect America as a country. To investigate what this resolution did to the presidential powers a president has.

The two sources that will be evaluated on their origins, purposes, values, and limitations are The War Powers Resolution: “Time to say goodbye” by Louis Fischer, and David Gray Adler, The Judicial Development of Presidential War Powers” by Martin S. Sheffer
Part B. Summary of Evidence
In the Books and articles I have read many scholars believe that it is unconstitutional. Also that it was what lead up to the attack

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