I think that Columbus should be celebrated or at least recognized. While Columbus did do some terrible things like supporting slave trade and destroying the indigenous people. He also started the beginning of the Age of Exploration which played a huge role in shaping history. His efforts really bridged the gap between the New World and the Old World. This resulted in a vast expansion of goods, technology, and culture between them. Though he wasn’t the first to discover America, he started an incredible expedition that has had serious effects on the advancements in today’s society. Though what he did was horrible, conquests and slavery were not only common practices of the time but important parts of the development of civilization. Colonization
Many argue that Christopher Columbus doesn't deserve to be celebrated because he was a murderer and rapist, but because of Columbus we get to call America our home. Although he wasn't the first person to discover America he did take action and bring our men here, he began trading, and bridged the gap between the Old and New World. If it weren’t for Columbus, America wouldn’t be what it is today, and would have taken a different turn. Columbus should continue to be celebrated this day for his
Christopher Columbus is not worthy of a holiday because he was very cruel to the Native Americans. In truth it’s very sad what he did. What Columbus did was what some call the American Holocaust. He forced the native peoples to be Christian, murdering and torturing them is they didn’t convert. Columbus pillaged and robbed- eating the food the natives worked hard to get. He forced them to mine, harvest, grow, and plant all of the food and gold. The diseases that were brought killed thousands, wiping out entire groups in a few months. The killing and torture made the relationship between natives and Englishmen worse. Clearly, Christopher Columbus isn’t worthy of a holiday.
History books don’t tell you everything about history, so maybe you shouldn’t just rely on one source. Sometimes, textbooks only skim the surface of our so called heroes, instead of just explaining their actual lives. An instance of this would be the story of Christopher Columbus; Recent evidence suggests that Columbus abused his powers, and quite possibly shouldn’t be celebrated.
I was taught that Columbus was a great hero for discovery America all through elementary and junior high every one of my history will tell the exactly same stories about him with little bit more details. I guess it never accord to me he can also have a bad side to him as well, and in history in High school you learn to take the whole picture, and then you make your decision. After reading Howard Zinn I know now that Columbus isn’t that great of a guy that we celebrate today. Everyone has bad past want to forgot, and the great Columbus Had one too.
Columbus Day is a holiday that celebrates Christopher Columbus an Italian explorer who sailed over 500 years ago with three ships from Spain across the Atlantic Ocean in a daring attempt to expand our knowledge of the known world in hopes of discovering new lands (Obama). He is credited with discovering the New World in 1492. Though this sounds honorable and inspiring, it was basically a search to find new lands in order to claim and take control of them, plunder their wealth, enslave their occupants and murder any who tried to stop him (Zinn). Since the United States is built on the beliefs of freedom, equality, peace, and humanity, I don’t feel that we should continue to honor and celebrate
Columbus in the New world. America should not continue to celebrate Columbus Day because it brought destruction to Native Americans, provokes and discriminates Native Americans and Columbus never really discovered the Americas. It brought destruction to Native Americans by destroying them completely in the Caribbeans after two decades, punishing them in terrible ways and bringing slavery to them. It hurts Native Americans today through culture, racism and emotionally. And Columbus never really discovered the New Lands since America was not close to empty, he already had knowledge of “New Lands” and he was possibly wasn’t even the first non-american to reach the
Throughout many recent years, there has been a great deal of speculation about whether we should celebrate Columbus Day; whether Christopher Columbus, the man with a holiday named after him, the man who “discovered” America, was really hero. There are people who claim that Columbus was, in fact, someone to be celebrated. This is false. Christopher Columbus was, most blatantly put, a villain. He deserves this status because he did not discover the land now known as America, he forced his beliefs onto others, and he utterly destroyed the lives of unknowing, innocent people.
We talk about him in school, it's taught that he's a great explorer who found our great nation. What they don't teach us is that he is a murderer. He murdered thousands of natives from the islands he first sailed to. Many wouldn't be able to guess the name of this explorer by the description, but in fact, his name is Christopher Columbus. Columbus didn't care about the lives of the indigenous people on many of the islands, he only cared about having control of the land. When we celebrate Columbus day in school and as a country we are honoring a man who did nothing good for the country but actually discouraged diversity and someone who resorted to violence rather than possible treaties or alliances. We need to discourage Columbus day, and rather,
I think that columbus day should not be celebrated because there are a lot of wrong things columbus has done.Columbus was so money hungry that he went to the king and queen of spain and talked them into giving him gold so he can sail the world.He also told them he would pay them back when he gets back but,columbus was in debt.He used all the money they gave him so he decided to enslave the natives. Columbus is a liar and cheater because he said that he would pay them back but he didn’t have the money because he was in debt himself.
The national holiday, Columbus Day, is a day honoring Christopher Columbus. I believe that Columbus isn’t worthy of this holiday because of how he treated the Native Americans. When he found the Americas and met the Native Americans, he murdered, enslaved, tortured, robbed, kidnapped, and forced the native people out of there homes. Columbus wanted all of the and its resources for Europe and didn’t care what he had to do to get it. While doing this, Columbus brought over foreign diseases such as smallpox, yellow fever, and the flu. This killed off a lot of the native popultion. Columbus also forced the native people to become Christian, instead of what they believed in. If you think about it, Christopher Columbus doesn’t deserve a holiday.
Columbus Day should still be celebrated because he is the man who brought many cultures to the Americas. Christopher Columbus brought many cultures to the Americas including Native Bahamian food and food from the Taino. This had food such as, maize, beans squash, and seafood. All of these different kinds of food were very different for Columbus and his crew, but it is what made America’s food based around this culture. America would absolutely would not have as much culture as it has today without Christopher Columbus.
Should we celebrate Columbus Day? Columbus Day is a day off of school and work for most Americans every year in October. We celebrate this national holiday on October 12, but do we know why? Christopher Columbus has been credited for finding America. As the old saying goes, he sailed the ocean blue in 1492.
Christopher Columbus is commonly known as the “discoverer” of the Americas. From a young age students are taught all the wonderful things he did for our land and how well he interacted with the Natives. Although the truth is disregarded and as students grow, they come to learn that Columbus was not a hero in fact. Columbus came close to causing a genocide of the Native Americans, and basically began the “white power” movement that America is forced to deal with today. The truth of what Christopher Columbus did makes him no better than Hitler, yet America still praises him as an important figure in our history. The actions of Columbus has impacted all Americans lives since the 1400’s when he first landed on American soil. Although it did make America into the super power it is today, the structure within the borders will never be equal because of his abuse of power back then. Christopher Columbus is not the hero American students are taught from a young age and does not deserve any of the praise or recognition that we as American citizens continue to give him on a daily basis.
"Should the United States celebrate Columbus Day?" In my opinion, the United States should celebrate Columbus Day because it is celebrated as a day when America was discovered. It is a part of history that we can not ignore. While I realize that we should not celebrate a day that marked the start of a massacre and bloodshed for decades to come, I cannot help but think that behind most revolutions and wars in history, blood has been shed. In addition, I feel that we do not celebrate Columbus Day to mock anyone or to accept the crimes of Christopher Columbus, but rather we celebrate it as a day our roots in America began. In addition, our morals are different than what people thought of as acceptable back then. Who are we to judge the actions done by someone else? We have neither lived in that time period nor were we raised the way they were. We were taught what they were taught. It is undeniable that without Columbus, much of what we have today may have not existed. Of course, this by no means show that I encouraging the way he treated the Natives, but rather stating that this is a indubitable part of our history that we should not be so ashamed of
The spirit and values of a nation are reflected in the nation’s heroes. Christopher Columbus has been regarded as an American hero since 1792. Every year Columbus Day is held on the second Monday in October to honor the man and his legacy. However, many people debate whether or not Columbus Day should be celebrated. I believe that Columbus Day should be celebrated in the United States because he opened up the New World to Europe, inspired a spirit of exploration and adventure that still lasts today, and he showed the importance of diversity and understanding of different cultures.