
Was It Justifiable To Kill Lennie Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

I feel as if it was justifiable for george to kill lennie because its was right and had to be done in order for not just george to be free but lennie as well. By saying that i mean that lennie basically had no chance of escaping alive, nor free. If lennie would of ran off into the woods he would have died of starvation or even worse. Letting lennie off would have been in a bad spot either way, so by ending lennie’s life it took a load off of george and the crew. George took lennie's life quick and painlessly and it was almost tit for tat if you look at it, Curley’s wife for lennie's life makes it justifiable. He basically Puts lennie in a better place so lennie and george wouldn't have to run away any more and cause trouble. If he wouldn't

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