
Washington Center Life Changing Experience

Decent Essays

The Washington Center is truly a life changing experience, because you are not only engage in an internship, but also you get to explore different parts of your leadership style and learn how to be a professional in your respective field. I personally saw this experience as a way of finding more about myself, and the many potentials I have to be a leader and a professional. The academic internship program helped me clarify my values, challenge my skills, and helped me planned my future goals. My values were clarified more this summer, because I always had a different way of seen values compared to the way I rediscovered them here at TWC. Values to me were only based on culture, and we all had different ones based on the environment we were raised. One of the values I …show more content…

“Diversity” is another value I discovered in my internship site. My internship was at the ISC (International Student Conferences), and it was interesting to work with people that were not American. The co-workers I worked with were from China, Korea, and Japan. My supervisor was from China, the other intern was from Korea, and the previous Executive Director was from Japan. I found it fascinating how different it was to work with them and learn from their culture, compared to what I learned in my textbooks and courses at FIU. Sometimes, answers are not always in books. The Executive Director, before he left, was someone that was secluded in his office and did not bother to interact with myself compared to the rest of the members of the office. Japanese bosses behave differently towards those from lower-level positions, and this was something I learned from one of my courses at FIU. But, I never thought that the experience was going to be as big of a culture shock as I thought it was. Now I am more prepared to work with people that may don’t like to interact with others because

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