
Washington Square Betrayal Quotes

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'Betrayal', a word that is so unpleasant yet it still exists in this world. Betrayal is the most important theme of the novel Washington Square where four major characters find themselves betrayed by the others. This will be discussed with close reference to Washington Square.

Catherine, known as the heroine of the novel, has betrayed her father Dr. Sloper because she is unwilling to listen to Dr. Sloper’s advise with regards to her engagement to Morris. Dr Sloper uses extremely horrible language when he speaks to his daughter Catherine. “You are good for nothing unless you are clever”, the way he speaks to Catherine is like a paranoid father that shows no care or kindness of his daughter. He is always busy and has no time for Catherine. Yes, he is correct in predicting that Morris is a man who is selfish and indolent, but Dr. Sloper is actually the one that pushes Catherine to limit the deference and respect she gives to him. Catherine finds herself unable to live up to her father’s model of what a “clever” daughter would be. She always shows her respect towards him but he chooses to ignore it. …show more content…

Sloper has been betrayed by his own sister Mrs Penniman who functions as Catherine’s mother. When Dr. Sloper asks Catherine to accompany him on a trip to Europe, Mrs Penniman “enjoyed her uncontested dominion in the empty house.” and let Morris Townsend enter Dr Sloper’s house and even allows him to stay and smoke in Doctor’s study. At this stage, Mrs Penniman might feels all the more attached to Morris, for they are both rather rejected by Dr. Sloper. She knows the fact that Dr. Sloper do not like Morris and even bring his daughter Catherine to Europe to make her give up on Morris, but she still let Morris into the house. From this behavior she is betraying her brother Dr. Sloper in a such disrespect

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