
Washington's Response To The Whiskey Rebellion

Decent Essays

As the Revolutionary War ended, the United States faced a completely new set of challenges. Now the United States had to shift focus from gaining independence from England to gaining their own financial security. The newly formed country had to figure out a way to pay for the war debt incurred by the colonies. In order to do this, the Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, convinced congress and the president that a tax on whiskey would be able to provide the revenue needed to repay the debts. However, the tax on whiskey was met with heavy resistance. To Hamilton, the tax was only “a few dollars a year for the average small distillery” but for the Frontiersmen it was an attack on their way of life. The resistance to the tax, the …show more content…

In the preamble of the Constitution, one of the reason given as to why it was drafted is to “insure domestic Tranquility.” Washington’s response to the rebellion proved that the federal government was not going to let anyone threaten the peace in the union. Additionally, Washington’s response showed the power that was granted to the President with in the constitution. Article two section three of the constitution gives the president the responsibility to see that laws are being “faithfully executed”. As members of the United States, the farmers had an obligation to pay the tax whether they agreed or disagreed with it. That is why Washington felt that it was so important it send troops to Pennsylvania to quell the rebellion. In addition to stopping the gathering of rebels, Alexander Hamilton saw it necessary to exert the full force of the law in punishing those who could be proven involved. Even though the tax was repealed, it was a significant stand by the federal government proving they had the power to enforce the laws. In addition to proving the power of the federal government, the whiskey rebellion showed the citizens that they needed to have a more active role in government. If they had an issue with a law, their response could not be to go burn down a house. They needed to leverage the powers of a democracy and the liberties granted in the constitution to create the change they want to

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