The method is doing research online and collecting information by checking if the information can answer the question from the question creation chart. First, find out the problems of water scarcity in the United States, and pick two severe problem to solve. Once the decision is made, find the current solutions that deal with each of them, summerize the advantages and disadvantages. Then, search which country has greatly succeeded on dealing with water shortage problem and what solutions they exploited. Also, be sure there are some data provided to compare the water they have before solving the problem and after. The method is effective because all the sources are peer-reviewed, and logically analyzed with answering the questions from question creation chart. Also, the materials are of good academic standing. There are two main problems in the United States, one is the drought in California and another is the shrinking Lake Mead in Nevada. The drought is believed to be caused by massive warm water in the Pacific Ocean that has drifted closer to the West Coast recently. And La Niña in 2011 created a high-pressure system and rerouted cold air away from California, that caused this region had even higher tempreture. Also, precipitation …show more content…
And it is divided into several parts, two of them are California’s Water Conservation Education Program Campaign and Governor’s Drought Task Force. These two made people to save water and the government controls water supply delivery. California also has an official organization which keeps in the track of recording data of the drought severity. The Lake Mead, on the contrary, is not considerately preserved. There are already two pipes below the reservoir(Lake Mead), drilling water from the lake to Las Vagas. Now there is a new pipe below the original two pipes, not for preventing the problem but keep drilling water at the very deep part of Lake
Water scarcity is increasing worldwide and dramatically affecting first world nations such as Spain, Australia, and the United States. All nations are now starting to recognize that the world's water is a finite resource, and that resource is being drastically altered in both availability and quality by development, climate change and population growth. In the United States, the Colorado River is experiencing rapid declines in volume. Recent studies and data suggest that the changes in frequency, intensity, and timing of the availability of water will have substantial impact on the way we live our lives in the 21st century and beyond. As Letmathe Brakeck said, “I am confident that, under present
The State of Colorado has suffered from a water shortage in recent years; a difficult situation which is easily visible when viewing the quickly shortening length of the Colorado River. Lake Mead, for example, is roughly 130 feet lower than it once was, marked by the stained rock which towers above the current water level. “The river has become a perfect symbol of what happens when we ask too much of a limited resource: it disappears. In fact, the Colorado no longer regularly reaches the sea” (Zielinski, 2010). Legislation was implemented early on to address this issue, though the results were (perhaps not surprisingly) rather unanticipated, regarding
Scarcity occurs when the amount people desire exceeds the amount available at a zero price according to William McEachern (5). Therefore, the state of Texas is in need of developing a solution to the issue of water scarcity. Texas has had its share of droughts throughout the years however, with those droughts a reduction of water consumption hinders communities and especially large-acreage crops. So, some suggestions will be addressed in order to encourage further water management plans in order to avoid, Texas from drying up.
How would you feel if you had a water shortage? That would mean shorter shower, less crops, and a big problem.In Colorado, the Colorado River is drying up. It is getting so populated in that area that they are running out of water. I feel bad for the farmers. What about their crops?
The water shortages in California are causing hardships on the agricultural industry. There isn’t enough fresh water to support both the human population and the natural environment. One way to prevent water shortages would be to improve the irrigation systems the farmers use. Instead of using various types of irrigation systems that waterlog the soil, they should increase the use of a drip-irrigation system.
As humans, we have a few basic needs. Some of these being security, shelter, food, clothing, and arguably most important, water. When living in a desert though, water may not be quite so readily accessible. With recent droughts in the southwest and the already relatively scarce amount of water and rainfall in Arizona, now is the time when Arizona should begin to make itself more efficient and conservative with its water consumption, because of our reliance on the Colorado River and rapidly depleting groundwater sources and the rapidly growing population and its water demands.
California is a geographically dry area and water shortage has been a serious issue affecting the state since 2012. California has the highest water consumption compared to all the other states and this partly due to the reason that roughly eighty-percent of the state’s water is used towards agriculture; California being the largest agricultural export distributor in the country (Green). Since of 2012, California has been on a severe four-year drought and has had immediate plans and regulations in order to reduce the impact it has. According to California Water Science Center, “2014 was the third driest year on record” and following that, “2015 [was] the warmest year on record.” The recent record breaking climate has contributed to the drought of California and as a result has had detrimental impacts to the environment. Severe climate during a shortage of water can lead to drastic problems because it can lead to an increase of evapotranspiration and increase of precipitation falling as rain rather than snow. Having precipitation falling more often as rain rather than snow during warm weather can lead to early snowmelt which can unbalance the water supply demands (Causes of Drought). During a drought, occasionally humans are impacted, but more importantly the environment experiences the impacts harshly. Wildlife habitat lost, inadequate food and water
California is undergoing a huge environmental crisis of water shortages across the state. California produces almost half of the US grown vegetables, fruits, and nuts. It produces more than 400 commodities (CDFA,2013). The drought has had a huge effect on agriculture because the farmers have received drastic cuts on their water usages which greatly affected their yields. The whole United States is feeling the effects due to the drought because of less crop yields, prices have
California state and some other west regions face the problem of severe drought and the researchers show several reasons to explain this phenomena. According to research in weather data for the past century, in terms of overall precipitation and spring snowpack, the past three years are not record-breakers and paleoclimate studies show that the current drought is not exceptional given the natural variations in precipitation of the past seven centuries. It cannot thoroughly attribute drought to global warming. California may be faced a future of “perfect drought” because of following reasons. Rising heat increases the evaporation, continuing depletion of ground water, and growing water shortages on the Colorado River [1]. It is predictable
For those causes and effects, the California officials have come up several solutions for solving this problem. The first solution is education. The residents in California do not have enough concept of saving water, so they use a lot of water to water their lawns and plants, wash their clothes daily although they have just worn a t-shirt with jean for two hours, and keep water flowing when they are brushing their teeth. Through education, people will notice the problem of water shortage in their home country, and understand the correct way to save water. The second solution is adding the cost of using an amount of water, and we will set a water usage average line for the residents. It means that you will be cost extra money when the amount
Currently California is facing a water shortage. The issue has been addressed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in February. He called for all state agencies to find the way to help in the statewide water shortage. This is California’s third consecutive year of drought and last spring and summer was the worst of the season because it had the lowest amount of water recorded and California’s reservoirs were at their lowest point as well which did not help in the water shortage. Many agencies have been acquired to find possible solutions to the water shortage, the Department of Water Resources has been directed to find solutions to the problem as well as asking people to conserve water.
Water is a privilege. Living in the 21first century America, many individuals including myself have forgotten this. Many families all over the world are forced to walk miles for water just to find that it isn't even clean. Water shortage is a problem all over the world, but especially in poor countries like Africa. Because individuals all over the world have to get their water, my class did a water walk to understand their pains, but I would change it by making it longer, carrying more water, and having harsher conditions.
In order for their to be a drought there has to be a long period with dry weather which is caused by lack of perception. And that lack of perception is being caused by climate change. Due to climate change, temperatures are rising and that is leaving less and less water behind. The climate change is also forcing the mountain snowpack to melt.The snowpack which provides for a third of California’s water supply and builds up during wet winters, causes a big impact on the drought. The change in climate patterns is forcing the snowpack to melt faster and earlier, making it more difficult to store and use in the dry spring and summer. Also with the climate change California's rate of evaporation is also high. So, water is being evaporated rather quickly, but with no perception it's not being replaced.But the blame can’t solely put on climate change. Since it's part of a chain sequence which ultimately comes back to us. Through us being careless with our environment we are not only hurting the Earth, but also ourselves as proven by the drought. We must be more aware and active in our fight against climate
In the documentary, “Last Call at the Oasis” it highlights the dark side of the excessive use of water by humans. It is no secret that water is the most important part of human survival, but how humans have been using water has taken a tremendous toll on the water supply. Water use is truly a tragedy of the commons, and as mentioned in the documentary, Lake Mead is just one example of how excess water use is affecting the water supply. Lake Mead provides water to Las Vegas and the surrounding regions as well as produces power with the Hoover Dam. However, the water level of Lake Mead has been dropping at a rate of 10 feet per year. While this may not seem
Water scarcity is the lack of sufficient available water resources to meet the demands of water usage within a region. It already affects every continent and around 2.8 billion people around the world at least one month out of every year. More than 1.2 billion people lack access to clean drinking water. Water scarcity involves water stress, water shortage or deficits, and water crisis. While the concept of water stress is relatively new, it is the difficulty of obtaining sources of fresh water for use during a period of time,result in further depletion and deterioration of available water resources. Water shortages may be caused by climate change, such as altered weather patterns including droughts or