
We Are All Familiar With Bible Stories And Fairy Tales

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We are all familiar with Bible stories and fairy tales. They typically began as verbal stories, passed down from generation to generation, before they were put down on paper or made into a film. Stories which use outlandish situations to, ideally, teach the readers how to live as good people. Stories such as Cinderella, The Three Little Pigs, Snow White, Jonah and the Whale, Noah 's Ark, Hansel and Gretel, and The Adventures of Pinocchio include situations which could not have possibly happened. These stories may help lull children to sleep but, at the same time, teach morals in a harsh or even violent manner.
 Like fairy tales, the Bible was written to teach stories to impressionable minds. Unlike fairy tales, Bible stories are still read today, they are not only read by children, but by adults with or without children. Many Christians today will argue that the Bible stories, such as Jonah and the Whale, Noah 's Ark, Adam and Eve, and such, were not written to take literally. If they are correct in assuming those stories are not literal encounters, then how would someone venturing through the bible know what to take literally and what to take as the word of God? If the stories of the Bible were never meant to be accepted as real events, then can they be considered fairy tales? If all stories in the bible are, in fact, the word of God and meant to be taken literal, then scientists need to re-evaluate almost everything they know about the world and how it works. It is

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