
We Do Requires The Proper Manners

Satisfactory Essays

Everything we do requires the proper manners. Weather you 're an experienced camper or planning you first camping trip, be sure you mind your manners at the campground. When you are camping you are usually in a camp group where there are plenty of other people to think about. When ever you are in an area that has other people about you need to consider the other peoples needs and feelings. You should never do anything that might bother anyone. When you are camping you should respect the other camper 's rights. Never walk across another camper 's camp site. Always walk around other people 's campsites. You would not want people walking through your campsite. Always obey the campground 's quiet hours. Always be quieter then you think you should be. Noise carries well so you may think you are being quiet but you just might be disturbing other campers. Especially at night and in the morning keep the noise down. Think about the noise something can make like the slam of a car door. And try to be quiet when you do it. Always keep your campsite neat for the next person who uses it. Pick up everything you have at your campsite including any garbage you have in the fire ring. When a new camper comes to your site they do not want to see your garbage in the fire ring. If you bring it in take it out. If you have a pet that you bring with you keep it contained and clean up after your pet. Never leave your pet unattended. Your pet is in an unfamiliar place and it is easy for a pet to

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