
We 're More Alike Than Different Essay

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We’re More Alike Than Different
Taylor Roberts

“Compromise, communication and consistency are needed in all relationships not just romantic ones.” (Elle). When communicating we always find a way to make connections with one another and communicating with individuals that have special needs can be overwhelming and exciting at the same time. Most people wouldn’t believe how easy it is to communicate with them and all it takes is a little patience, time, and consideration. In my paper I will talk about how important it is in how we communicate with them and how connecting with them will influence them and us as individuals.

The topic I have chosen to talk about is communications between individuals that have special needs and those that don’t because people with special needs mean a lot to me. As a high school student I am involved in many things but my favorite is Peer Tutoring. Peer Tutoring gives me the opportunity to help others and volunteer places like the Buddy Walk and Special Olympics. This topic gives me the chance to make others aware of the proper and respectful way to communicate with people that have special needs. As I graduate this year I plan to go to college and become a Special Education Teacher where I will be working a lot with special needs or disabled students and being able to communicate with them is the biggest part of the job.

It’s all about how much effort your willing to put into it and no matter who you are communicating with you always have

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