
Wealth In The Great Gatsby

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Wealth in The Great Gatsby
Some people have been wealthy their entire lives. Others gained wealth later in their lives. In the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jay Gatsby becomes incredibly rich during the 1920’s. Gatsby and many other characters in the novel both use their money to buy extravagant items, but there are still plenty of differences between the two social classes. The actions of the characters in this novel and whether they come from new found money or age old illustrate the theme that money can cause people to behave differently.
Though both social classes were wealthy in The Great Gatsby people who were born into wealth (old money) lived in East Egg and the newly rich (new money) lived in West Egg. The narrator Nick Carraway described that both East Egg and West Egg may have looked similar in appearance, but the separation between the two social classes was very apparent. “To the wingless a more arresting phenomenon is their dissimilarity in every particular except shape and size” (Fitzgerald 5). West Egg was inhabited entirely of people with …show more content…

Scott Fitzgerald shows that wealth and social classes can cause people to think that they are more important than others. The two classes had so many similarities but were still separated. Because Gatsby was of “new money” people attended his parties but never bothered to know who the host was. All of the people who had enjoyed his parties for years did not find him important enough to attend his funeral either. The Great Gatsby is an excellent novel that has been considered for many years one of the best novels ever written by an american author. Fitzgerald himself said that it was a great book, “My new novel appears in late March: The Great Gatsby. It represents about a year’s work and I think it’s about ten years better than anything I’ve done.” (Fitzgerald 497) The Great Gatsby will forever be an exceptional example of how people discriminate based on social

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