
Wedding Speech - Original Writing

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There was a loud pounding on the door, a dish slipped from my mother’s hand and fell with a crash. Loud, angry Turkish voice rang throughout the cool evening air. Many years later, Anahit, watched as her mother backed slowly out of her Grandma drive way, she stayed two weeks each Summer for the last four years but now she was a young lady of twelve and felt that she was getting to old to stay with Grandma and want to stay at home to play with her friends. Anoush her Grandmother swung open the door, before Anahit had even knocked, she reached out and gave her a big warm hug and welcomed her. “I have made your favorite treat, Baklava.” Anahit smiled and remembered how delicious and fun it was to stay at Grandmas as she stepped inside the kitchen. They both sat down and talked about what had happened since they have last seen each other, after a while Grandma mentioned that she had been cleaning her attic. Anahit’s green eyes sparkled and she exclaimed “I love to look at the old photographs in the attic”. While cleaning, Anahit finds a small old locked box, her Grandmother gently takes the box and places it on antique dresser near the stairs. Anahit asked her grandmother “Grandma what is in the box? Grandma Anoush said “not today, I will tell you the story someday maybe when you are a little bit older” Anahit told her Grandmother she was hungry. Anoush said why don’t we go downstairs and have a few ruben sandwiches. Anoush and Anahit sat in the kitchen then

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