
Week 5 Assignments New

Satisfactory Essays

PT1420 - Unit 5 Homework and Lab Assignment Unit 5 Assignment 1: Homework 1.) Design an if-then statement that assigns 20 to the variable y and assigns 40 to the variable z if the variable x is greater than 100. (Simple if statement) If x > 100 then Y=20 Z=40 End if 2.) Design an if-then statement that assigns 0 to the variable b and assigns 1 to the variable c if variable a is less than 10. (Simple if statement) 3.) Design an if-then-else statement that assigns 0 to variable b if variable a is less than 10, otherwise it should assign 99 to variable b. (Alternative if statement) If a < 10 then B = 0 Else B = 99 End f 4.) The symbols >, <, and == are all Relational operators. 5.) …show more content…

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