
West Side Story Dance Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

On April 28th at the George R brown convention center I saw West Side Story. The dance numbers in West Side Story were choreographed by Julio Monge. Julio Monge was in charge of bringing Jerome Robbins Iconic West Side Story Choreography to life. Julio Monge moved from the island of Puerto Rico to Manhattan. Once in manhattan he was in broadway shows such as “ Jerome Robbins Broadway”.The director of this performance was Francesca Zambello. Francesca Zambello is a opera and theater director. She has directed many performances such as “Aida” and “Rin Cycle:show boat”.
West side story is an updated version of Romeo and Juliet. The Capulet and Montague families are revamped into two gangs whose members live in the urban ghettos. The Jets are led

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