
Western Literary Canon : Significance And Relevance

Decent Essays

Hi all, I’m here today to ask you all one question. Does the Western Literary Canon share significance and relevance to everyone? But before that, one simple question. What is literature? Isn’t it just a bunch of words gathered on paper? One of the unbroken problems focused from this topic is that there has never been a stable predetermined definition of what exactly literature is. Yet it can be argued that the ‘Western Literary Canon’ was the first attempt of literary criteria. The criteria - the ‘Western Literary Canon’-of which we judge or categorize literary works to be considered good, bad or average, may change due to cultural beliefs and or the time period and place of which we are present. The Canon is a contested space made up of many literary works criticized by the decider, who and what gets in changes depending on the eye of the beholder, respectability or knowledge of the decision maker. These aspects of literary criticism emerge from social and economic changes within society. The concept of how and why these deciders assume and select what is classed as ‘worthy’ literature is what I have an issue with, and this will be the point being made clear. The term, the Western Literary Canon has been challenged over the years, having many asking whether what particular form of writing is considered valuable. “In fact, there is no such thing as literature; literature is just a kind of writing, which the cultural and academic establishments decide is literary. And

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