
Whaling Should Be Banned

Decent Essays

Aside from radical protests against whaling, other NGOs such as Greenpeace have “peacefully protested” the ongoing whaling, by avoiding “fleet wars” the SSCS partakes in. By 1973, Greenpeace confronted whaling fleets in response to the decline of blue whales and other species. In the midst of a peaceful battle to defend the whales, Greenpeace snapped a photograph of a dead sperm whale, burdening the public to the IWC in requests for justice. Responding to the incident in 1979, the IWC established the Indian Ocean Whale Sanctuary as a conservation measure, and in 1982 the IWC declared a Global Moratorium. The desire of the IWC to conserve their image of “anti-whalers” driven them to act immediately from the accusations over Japan. The establishment of the moratorium was a plan to cease commercial whaling in 1986 and in 2003 to allow for the …show more content…

Countries such as Norway, Iceland and Japan declared an objection to the moratorium (1982). By declaring an objection to the moratorium the countries are allowed to practice commercial whaling under their own regulation, while abiding to the rules of the International Convention established by the IWC (IWC). However, in the midst of the objection, Greenpeace activists came across one of the first provable cases of corruption that highlighted Japan as a suspect. In 2010 two of Greenpeace’s activists known as “The Tokyo Two” exposed Japan’s “scientific” whaling program by uncovering a whale-meat scandal.
The “Tokyo Two” gentlemen uncovered one of the most controversial scandals in the history of whaling – commercial whaling. While the JWA’s “Object” statement reads: “We are concerned with people having the wrong perception of whaling”, lack of credibility grew once the “The Tokyo Two” busted their corruption. In 2008 the two of Greenpeace campaigners from Japan exposed corruption in the whaling industry. According to Greenpeace, ‘prime cuts of whale

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