
What A Year Be A Business Owner, Or A Politician?

Decent Essays

As we celebrate an American Hero over the next few days. Let us take a moment to reflect back on the pass year. What a year to be a business owner, or a politician: just the same, what a year to be a consumer of the latest technological innovations. 2015 showed that the business and political spheres are interconnected shaping one of the most transformative years in the history of this Country.
Irrespective of what side of the political conversation one lands on, or social views held, it is hard to deny that 2015 opened many doors for greater debate and discussion. In the same vain, closed others and fostered new ones. From voter rights challenges and ID requirements, gay rights, immigration, climate change, Confederate flag and monuments coming down to the Black lives matter movement. 2015 saw a significant amount of discourse on topics that in years pass were off the table.
Thus, as we reflect on the many phenomena that defined the pass year and now look forward to this New Year. We must recognize some key political personalities that made 2015 so outstanding. Starting with President Barack Obama, who seemed to be relaxed and self-assured as he whines down his presidency, still anchoring policy to help steer the country. His movement suggested he is far from a lame duck president.
2015 saw Hillary Clinton, the former first lady; Secretary of State and US Senator initiate her democratic campaign to become the first women elected president of the United States. In

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