America: What Does It Mean? Stated clearly on the Great Seal of the United States is E pluribus unum – "From many, one." This implies that America is not a place of homogeneity, but rather a place of coexistence and tolerance to uphold shared principles. A grand nation, aimed to strictly and wholly represent the People, was born in order to resist the humiliating forces of tyranny. The United States of America was established upon the notion that happiness and fulfilling the purpose of one’s life, can only be achieved under liberty. Freedom grants that one has the right to choose one’s course of action, destination, and identity. Aside from a myriad of Rights, America is the home of the People. It is where a citizen is also an influencer of politics and legislation. Democratic republicanism allows the masses and the minority to have a loud and clear voice. Throughout the course of American …show more content…
I believe that America is much more meaningful and is constantly being redefined. Nonconformity is a reoccurring trend in our history; through expressionism, we assert our voices in hopes that it will bring about positive change towards a more free and equal country. Aside from holistically improving the nation through collective activism, the significance of America can be understood under the context of self-reliance. Individualism serves so that one may pursue one’s goals while serving one’s country. This includes starting up a business out of passion and the economic ambition, which, ultimately, benefits and diversifies the nation’s economy. One may also pursue heroism and enlist in the military to defend the principles of democracy. Still, my words do not function to fully encapsulate the vast and complex significance of America. It is and continues to be, a home of dreams and everlasting initiative where anything is possible. One’s heart, here in America, is
The Great Seal of the United States illustrates what the United States should be about: E Pluribus Unum. With the exception of the aborigins already inhabiting our territory at the arrival of the Europeans in the Fifteenth Century and subsequently, all individuals residing in the United States have a history linked to a foreign country. Some have a connection to a more or less remote familial past or to the most more recent waves of foreigners seeking a new life in our country. Part of the historic process of our nation includes a constant conflict between previous generations of immigrants and new ones. In spite of of the intensity of the struggle and its damaging effects, our culture has not even reached the status of a pluralistic society a la E Pluribus Unum.
What does being American mean to me?As America is a first world country, world police, economic powerhouse, and land of the free. With an advanced nation like ours comes advanced ideals, beliefs, religions, so on and so forth. Cores are a fundamental requirement for a nation to successfully prosper and communication within ourselves and other nations is a must to prevent an economic collapse, eventually leading into failed state status. I see cores as spiritual possessions that you use as a celestial guide to govern your life and should abide by, at the same level as morals. As you read this opinion based passage, ask yourself, what American cores effect you?
According to the Scholastic News Online, when individuals were given the question of what it means to be an American, most of them described it as “being free” and having certain rights while others gave explicit examples and mentioned the fact that we as Americans receive opportunities such as “voting”. I somewhat agree with most of these individuals. I believe that being an American consists of having certain rights and a given amount of freedom, to a certain extent. I also strongly believe that by being American, we are guaranteed opportunity if we work hard for something. Being an American also means we have the power to make a difference and express what we feel in order to make this country better than before. Coming from a family that had a much more distinct experience than
What it means to be American? Everybody you ask this question to will have a completely different response. Some responses might have similarities but none will be exactly the same. In the beginning of the year my response was “To be an American means having a rich history, having opportunities to better ourselves, and having freedoms.” Unfortunately not everyone has had the same opportunities or freedoms. Native Americans, who are indigenous, dealt with having their freedoms taken away, less opportunities even though they had rich history in this land before it was taken away from them. Look at what Zitkala-Sa endured. Not only that, but African Americans have fought long and hard for freedom and equality as well. W.E.B. Du Bois stood for
“For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.” Nelson Mandela once said What does freedom mean to me. To me freedom means I can do whatever I want, with some limitations. America’s idea of freedom is commendable. Our laws give us freedom, but they additionally keep us safe.
America is a wonderful place to live, because we are free. Freedom is important, and many people in other countries do not have much freedom. I am glad I have a place like this to grow up in; where I know that I can be equal with other races and other genders. Also, I am glad I have a place like this that will respect me and I know it will be a great place to have my children grow up in.
Whether it be in the national anthem or in the lyrics of well known songs, the idea of America being a shelter and safe haven of freedom is positively ingrained in her citizens. Despite such widespread faith, belief alone cannot force the truth value of something. Even if an entire country believes a certain proposition, the collective agreement is not conducive to truth. This status of wide held belief and possible untruth is becoming a property of many things in modern day America. This shift can be seen in things such as quality of education, methods of policing, safety, and some would even say such core ideas like the American dream are legitimately in question.
America, the land of opportunity, always develops to differ in meaning, whether it represents freedom, equality, injustice, violence, or discrimination. America holds no uniform
While sometimes this dualism might seem exhausting or unnecessary, it is because of these differences that makes us stronger as a nation and serve as a guide to what it means to be “American” today.
Breath in, breathe out. Don't worry; you are safe and sound. Let peace flood your soul, Hami because your life is everything it was meant to be. These are the words I tell myself every day as I wake up with the sun shining on my face. They are a reminder to be thankful for the life I have right now because truthfully, I should be back in Africa living amongst my family. Yet, I was blessed and given the opportunity to live most of my childhood in America with amazing parents who have taught me what it means to have faith and persevere through life's struggles.
Built on a solid foundation of European culture in 1492, America is defined by the beauty of its geographical features. It’s the land between the Atlantic and the Pacific; majestic mountains, plentiful plains, and moving Mississippi. From the snowy conditions of Alaska to the clear skies of Hawaii, everyone unites; whether black, white, or Asian. America is known as the “land of opportunities,” where freedom and liberty are sung. The Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights
For this, all that America is all about it is this rare synthesis of different cultures and mentalities, this outstanding hammering out of a concrete civic identify that amalgamates freedom, equality, and community spirit. Without its rich mixture of religion, race, and culture, America wouldn 't be the nation that it is today. Founded upon the basis of equality and freedom for all, America acts as a stage where intensely different cultures coexist not only peacefully, but also thrive symbiotically and create a nation. Culture in America wouldn 't be judge upon if it were finally settled in America.
American is built on the belief that the individuals character alone is the only thing needed for success, however, American itself is a community and the character in which they are trying to instilled in its citizens are characteristic of a true “American” with sufficient evidence, agreement is lead by one’s own feelings. The truest way to define agreement as authentic is if the agreement goes against what is socially acceptable. “…individuals trying to assert their individuality are strangled by the web of social constraints” (Bonnet, 1982)
The U.S. has been described through various labels throughout history; from the melting pot to the Land of freedom. The common definition of the American identity is that it is established not in place, but in the acceptance of a similar set of ideals, not considering religion or ethnicity. E pluribus unum is a Latin phrase meaning, “out of many, one”. The traditional meaning of the phrase is that out of many states, more specifically 13 colonies, a cohesive, single nation surfaces. In recent years, however, the definition suggests that out of the many races, religions, languages, a single country is formed. This illustrates the concept of the melting pot. The journey to obtain a whole nation has come at a cost. Differences in politics and
In my thoughts United States is a unique country. Because, it built by the immigrants who came here for better opportunity, beautiful life and great dreams. United States reminds me small world because lot of people from each part of the world live here. That makes United States different and interesting country in my mind. Culture is something which explains people’s life style, interest, history and values. So, every emigrant brought some new perspective in the United State. We are able to find some cultural piece from every part of the world. Because of, the dreams every person brought some perspective which makes them hard working and seeking for new opportunities. So, United State is the representative of diversity, new built culture, individualism and direct also outspoken place where your dream could be true.