
What America Means To Me Analysis

Decent Essays

America: What Does It Mean? Stated clearly on the Great Seal of the United States is E pluribus unum – "From many, one." This implies that America is not a place of homogeneity, but rather a place of coexistence and tolerance to uphold shared principles. A grand nation, aimed to strictly and wholly represent the People, was born in order to resist the humiliating forces of tyranny. The United States of America was established upon the notion that happiness and fulfilling the purpose of one’s life, can only be achieved under liberty. Freedom grants that one has the right to choose one’s course of action, destination, and identity. Aside from a myriad of Rights, America is the home of the People. It is where a citizen is also an influencer of politics and legislation. Democratic republicanism allows the masses and the minority to have a loud and clear voice. Throughout the course of American …show more content…

I believe that America is much more meaningful and is constantly being redefined. Nonconformity is a reoccurring trend in our history; through expressionism, we assert our voices in hopes that it will bring about positive change towards a more free and equal country. Aside from holistically improving the nation through collective activism, the significance of America can be understood under the context of self-reliance. Individualism serves so that one may pursue one’s goals while serving one’s country. This includes starting up a business out of passion and the economic ambition, which, ultimately, benefits and diversifies the nation’s economy. One may also pursue heroism and enlist in the military to defend the principles of democracy. Still, my words do not function to fully encapsulate the vast and complex significance of America. It is and continues to be, a home of dreams and everlasting initiative where anything is possible. One’s heart, here in America, is

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