
What Are My Responsibilities To America

Decent Essays

My Responsibilities to America

We have responsibilities to all most everything that we do with in this world. They make up who we are; in a way. So it should not be a big shock that we have them to America. We have a lot of responsibilities to America such as voting, helping out communities, and learning about America’s history.
Voting can be scary when it’s the first time or the twenty-eighth time. It still is a responsibility to America. That not a lot of people make time for in their life because they may think it is not a responsibility of theirs to go and vote. Going down to register and then also going to out to vote. Voting is one way we have a voice in how and who runs our government. Sometimes voting can be used to pass or having something with in the government removed. Voting gives us a voice in a way Without us voting we would not have a way to know what everyone in America want to happen. Of course voting is only one of many responsibilities. …show more content…

Helping out our communities is a way to show that we care about America and we will always help her out. Volunteering is one ways to start helping our communities. Even supporting our local businesses that just need to know that we will always help them out in any way possible. There are ways to helping outside our communities. Going to cities that have had a disaster like North Carolina with Hurricane Matthew to rebuild. Helping the people that have been hit; to recover and start to rebuild their communities. Hopefully we have all tried to help our communities out in the best way we can. Helping in any way is a responsibility to America and everyone in

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