
What Are Peak Performers

Decent Essays

Peak performers are the rare breed that creates the “greats” in life, whether it be inventions that change a civilization, creates an unimaginable feat, or moves a company to success. These rare individuals have been noted by some as aliens, according to In Search of the Secrets of Peak Performers (Estep, 2005). Peak performers out-perform, over-achieve, and accomplish the sought after goal, they set. A study by the Work & Family Institute in Virginia has found seven common traits among peak performers that set them away for the rest of the race. These individuals see their vision and create a roadmap to meet their target. They have an increased focus and passion for their work that keeps on track. Reflection of themselves and values they hold …show more content…

Middle school was the first time I completed my first self-assessment, I failed to possess the skills needed to join the yearbook staff. I began focusing on the skills that I did bear and improving on the ones I lacked. Little to my knowledge, this would the foundation of my work ethic and success thus far in life. I have continued to self-assess on failures and successes, alike. My tool for self-assessment of choice is a pro/con list and ratings, rarely do I make a decision large or small without weighing the options and assessing myself for the task. Moreover, I am in a never-ending crusade to improve my skills and knowledge. The use of a self-assessment led me to return to school, once I evaluated my current career position, the realization was I didn’t have the knowledge to further my career in the company. I began discussing ideas with coworkers, friends, and family that provided concerns and questions that I had not thought of. Finally, I started my self-assessment, I looked at my strengths and weaknesses, my weakest quality was the lack of education background. However, a difficult decision to make, the positive impact of getting the education required to further my career will be worth the …show more content…

I completely agree with this assessment, as I am a result-driven individual! In my opinion, this is due to my assessments of situations and myself to improve them and have a proven outcome, several refer to me as a “control-freak”. I savor the work and the struggle to show results. Although I recognize the weaknesses the self-assessment shows that I have created for myself in being results-driven. Putting forth the effort to embark on the compassionate side is essential to me; nevertheless, I stay driven by the final results, foremost. Sadly, a supporter is the least of the temperaments from my rating, I desire to continue to create objectives to engage this downfall; however, I have not succeeded. I recognize my hardship as a challenge since I am a director, I intend to seek a path that will work

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