#40 Liguo Zhang SLS1501 Learning Summary Chapter 5 1. What were some interesting details of the reading? Successfully intelligent thinking is balanced by three important elements, which are analytical thinking, creative thinking and practical thinking. Intelligent thinking is the process of asking and answering questions. When we apply all the three elements into the process, we think intelligently. Every time we think, we think with a purpose, which means, we have to know why we ask questions. Additionally, successfully intelligent thinking is a skill that can be improved along lifetime (Summarized from Keys to Nursing Success chapter 5). 2. As you were reading this chapter, what questions did you raise? Q1: what’s the difference …show more content…
It is very important to ask ourselves questions and try to answer them in our life because asking and answering questions is the process of successfully intelligent thinking. Also, we need to ask questions with purposes in order to think something relevant to the topic. Successfully intelligent thinking requires us to have analytical thinking skills (critical), creative thinking skills, and practical thinking skills. Analytical thinking skills involve in gathering, analyzing, and evaluating useful information without personal or other’s assumptions or perspectives. Having analytical thinking skills help us solve problems and making decisions efficiently. Creative thinking skills refer to think of some new ideas that are out of the box. Always change the way we think things, and do not follow what other people say without thinking. Brainstorming is also one of the most important skills for creative thinkers. Practical thinking skills mean how to change yourself to fit in the environment or change the environment to fit you. Experience and emotional intelligence all contribute to developing practical thinking skills (Summarized from Keys to Nursing Success chapter 5). #40 Liguo Zhang SLS1501 5. What opinion do you have about what you read? What I read from this chapter really helps me a lot. I found out my weak areas in successfully intelligent thinking. And, I learned that critical, creative, and practical thinking skills all have the same level of
In order to master critical thinking, the ability to question information and solve problems must be present. The crucial steps that lead to successful decision-making is not based solely on our skills and abilities, but on the strategies that help us get there. All these steps combined allow us to make solid and intelligent decisions. Research on understanding how the mind works is a continuing project at best, but the progress we have made is substantial in the areas of understanding problem-solving and decision-making.
Over the course of the last six weeks, I have come to realize that critical thinking is an important asset as I continue my journey in life. I have found this course to be both challenging and rewarding. Most importantly, I find myself viewing problems and conversations in a completely different light. While I would not consider myself an expert at critical thinking, I would assess myself in as a Beginner Thinker. Paul and Elder point out in the beginning thinker stage an individual actively begins to take command of their thinking process across multiple facets of their life (Paul and Elder, 2012). Furthermore, we recognize that there are problems in the way we think and begin to consciously attempt to better understand we can improve our thinking.
It also includes the ability for a person to engage in reflective and independent thinking. I also know that a person with critical thinking skills can understand the logical connections between ideas, identify, identify the relevance and emphasis of ideas, compose and evaluate arguments, detect discrepancies and familiar mistakes in reasoning, reflect upon the justifications of one's own beliefs as well as their values. I also know that solving problems consistently is the most effective part of being able to read and understand a person, and that Frank
Creative thinking and critical thinking are good skills to have, and those that you can carry with you forever. For example, problem solving skills help you come up with creative and innovative ways to solve problems. This skill is going to be useful your whole life, whether you break your mom’s favorite vase and need to fix it to if you have limited food in your fridge and need to figure out what to make. Another skill you can gain is creative thinking. This helps you come up with new ways to do things. In contrast, people have stated that you can gain these skills in other ways. In my opinion, these skills are best gained by hands on activities that challenge your thinking and
Education plays an imperative role in developing these skills. Young and Warren (2011), in their review of the education literature, stated that a number of cross-sectional research studies have shown that a student’s critical thinking ability can improve while at college. While Parcarella and Terenzini (2005) approximate that a student can improve their critical thinking skills by 63% by the end of their sophomore year. According to Hurt (2007) these skills must be developed consistently, purposefully and rationally over time to enable students to appropriately respond to the intricate issues that the working environment
WEISSER, L. Facing the Future: What skills will your employees need?.Canadian Learning Journal. 16, 1, 23-25, 2012. ISSN: 14908743. In this article Weisser ask a great questions I thought What can you do, as a learning and development professional, to help employees gain creative and critical thinking skills? He also, went on to say “critical thinking must include a questioning of assumptions, including our own assumptions. Our thinking may be unclear, inaccurate, imprecise, irrelevant, narrow, shallow, illogical, or trivial, due to ignorance or misapplication of the appropriate learned skills of thinking. According to him, learning and development professionals should model a willingness to question all assumptions. He also maintains that the core skill needed for creative and critical thinking is attitude— an attitude that is always open to learning, curious about the world—or, what he calls” “life in perpetual Beta.”
Critical thinking is when you think about a situation with a purpose and focusing on he problem. It calls on your experience, it incorporates creativity, analysis, and priority, and sorting to deal with a problem. Clinical reasoning is a more narrow or specific form of critical thinking. It is used when specific problems comes up, like which patient needs to be seen first or which patient is going to need more care. And clinical judgement is the end result of the critical thinking. It is a final decision on how to proceed. The three reasons why critical thinking skills are essential for students and nurses are 1) solving problems; 2) helping with test-taking; and 3) self-improvement and managing stress.
The main points that drew my attention in, was the various points mentioned regarding what has led the United State up to the point that we are at now. The American Dream is slowly digressing, especially for women. Some women have a better work ethic and higher degrees of education, but are still being dominate by men. Women are not getting paid as they probably should. All in all, everyone faces some sort of inequality in succeeding in our capitalist nation today. "Thinking outside the box," is a concept that is applied in life, so we don't base people solely on the way they look but the qualities they have to succeed at the job. Some things that could integrate critical and creative thinking skills is patience to the way I develop thoughts and
In addition to these characteristics, nursing also involves critical thinking. "Critical thinking is the active, organized, cognitive process used to carefully examine one's thinking and the thinking of others. It involves the use of the mind in forming conclusions, making decisions, drawing inferences, and reflecting" (Perry,
My creative thinking skills can be used for problem solving, by easily coming up with ideas that can fix the problem. These skills will also help me when I am presented with a task at school where I need to think of an original idea. My creative thinking skills will be useful in my present and future to solve problems and to conceptualize interesting ideas.
The Current world needs people who have a lot of different abilities such as cognition and application of different ways of problem solving, critical thinking skills and creativity. On behalf of the situation the writer selected the article in order to know the relationship between these two variable and hope understanding these two variables relation, as future faculty assist to plan the course and curriculum design in academic and unit based practice since the relation between these two variables affect by the external factors such as culture, socioeconomic status, previous experience. The Importance of Critical Thinking Skills in Nursing.
There are said to be six stages of critical thinking, the unreflective, challenged, beginning, practicing, advanced, and accomplished thinker. The unreflective thinker is unable to asses their thinking skills while in the second stage of challenged thinkers, they are becoming aware and figuring out problems. The beginning thinker is similar to concrete thinking, which contains no depth, it regards to the facts and thinking in the periphery. At the fourth stage, the practicing thinker is developing the knowledge for systematic practice, while the advanced thinker now has good habits and can actively analyze information. Lastly, the accomplished thinker can access their intuitiveness and take a position on things in everyday life(Edler, Paul).
Critical thinking will be one of the best and biggest benefactors in my nursing courses and nursing practice. I hope to have a career in the emergency room as a Trauma nurse, so thinking quickly and clearly will be a must for a that nursing role. In the emergency room where it is always a surprise for the type of situation that walks in the door, critical thinking will play a role in my practice
In How Successful People Think, John C. Maxwell discusses the thought processes used by successful individuals and describes how these techniques can be learned. He outlines the 11 types of thinking and the important skills attributed to each. People succeed by: 1. Seeing the wisdom of big-picture thinking 2. Unleashing the potential of focused thinking 3. Discovering the joy of creative thinking 4. Recognizing the importance of realistic thinking 5. Releasing the power of strategic thinking 6. Feeling the energy of possibility thinking 7. Embracing the lessons of reflective thinking 8. Questioning the acceptance of popular thinking 9. Encouraging the participation of shared thinking 10. Experiencing the satisfaction of unselfish thinking 11. Enjoying the returns associated with bottom-line thinking
The concepts of critical thinking and creative thinking are both gaining increasing importance in the world today. Critical thinking allows people to understand difficult concepts in a manner that is clearer and more defined. They can more readily understand those concepts if they employ critical thinking. In all portions of everyday life, a person is expected to make independent judgments. Those judgments are based on experience and knowledge. Without the ability to think critically, every situation that a person comes across would have to be considered in isolation from all other situations. When a person encounters a problem that is a new one, he or she may be able to use critical thinking to solve those problems.