
What Are Some Socio Economic Differences In America

Decent Essays

There are many socioeconomic differences in Houston,TX. They start with the incomes, family influences, and the “class’ they may be in. Each have a huge part in why some kids decide to not go to college or drop out of school. The income of the family or student can affect their decisions. College fees start to rise, some families just can’t afford it for their kids. Some expensive colleges loose some money because not very many students can afford the tuition. Both parents usually have to work in order to get their kid in college. Some kids just don’t want to go. Some people get student loans. “State and federal financial aid is not meeting the growing need, and more students face higher debt levels” (Christine Mulhern). You have to pay it off later on. You will have to get a job during college to help some. The family influences the kids have can effect their decisions for higher education. Most students that are …show more content…

“Low class” families usually aren’t able to afford college. Their income is very low, and hard to afford some needs. Most colleges help them because they want them in their school. Radford was interested in the college choices of ambitious and high-performing high school students from different class backgrounds”(Lisa Wade). “Middle class” families can usually afford college. They make pretty good income. Usually have two or more cars. Can afford getting their kids in college. “High class” families can afford college. They usually have a lot of money. Also most likely they have a big house, and more than two cars for sure. They shouldn’t have any issues paying for tuitions. Most high class kids have no trouble getting into college because they are confident they will get accepted. “They also felt more confident that they’d be successful at such an institution; less affluent students were more intimidated by these schools”(Lisa

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