
What Are The Arguments In Favor Of Legalizing Marijuana

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In this paper I will argue in favor of legalizing the cultivation and sale of marijuana for medicinal and recreational purposes. Due to numerous studies supporting multiple links to treat certain illnesses, cannabis should be legalized. It may stop cancer cells from spreading. In addition, marijuana may control epileptic seizures. According to researchers in Virginia Commonwealth University “ingredients in marijuana and the cannabinoid receptor protein produced naturally in the body to regulate the central nervous system and other bodily functions play a critical role in controlling spontaneous seizures in epilepsy” (Robert J. DeLorenzo M.D.).
Prohibitionist disagree. They don’t believe that marijuana has any known medical properties. Some prohibitionists’ arguments come from Save Our Society from Drugs (S.O.S), an organization that prohibits the legalization cannabis and other drugs and urges the dangers of the consumptions of drugs. S.O.S asserts that the use of medical marijuana is a scam used by groups with special interest to exploit people who are vulnerable and hopeless from their illnesses. According to them long-term, regular use of marijuana—ranging to adolescents to teenage years—may impair brain development …show more content…

There are cases and studies that support that cannabis may slow or stop the spread of cancer cells. In addition researchers have found other beneficial uses for it. In a study published by Cochrane HIV/AIDS Group, a group of researchers conducted a controlled trial on patients with either HIV or AIDS to determine if cannabis actually improves the appetites of people with AIDS and resulted in weight gain. “The conclusion of the trail did lead the subjects to be likely to an increase in weight gain of 2 kilograms or more” (Group). This is significant because anorexia and cachexia are frequent complications HIV/AIDS

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