
What Are The Benefits Of Eliminating Sports In Schools

Decent Essays

For many years the idea of eliminating school sports has been around, although now it is becoming a world wide discussion. Numerous studies have shown that kids tend to do better in school without extra curriculum activity. Therefore, schools should not have sports programs to cut district's cost, boost grades, and prevent students from becoming stressed.

Districts that have school sports should eliminate them to cut the district's cost. According to Amanda Ripley, a school district in Texas was struggling and realized that it was possible to save $150,000 a year by suspending school sports (11). Ripley also stated that if districts were to discontinue sports the students could get a better education because they would be able …show more content…

According to Amanda Ripley, the first semester after sports were banned Premont Independent School District, “ 80% of students passed their classes compared to 50% the previous fall” (11). Ripley also stated that , “ 160 people attended parent teacher conferences instead of 6 the year before” (11). These extravagant results show that , schools should take the idea of eliminating sports more seriously . After seeing the results of the Premont Independent School District, all Districts Should consider eliminating sports. Although, grades are not at the level they should be, stress is another way school sports are negatively affecting students. According to Amanda Ripley, “During the football season in particular, focus shifts away from learning” (11). Ripley also stated that, “players are spending long hour practicing, and the commitment extents for the rest of school” (11). This data shows that students are being placed under a huge amount of unnecessary pressure . Therefore, it clearly shows that after school activities are causing students to become overwhelmed so districts should really consider eliminating

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