5 Benefits of having a high school diploma
There will be more job opportunities if you have a diploma, because certain jobs only accept people with diplomas.
You will get a higher salary at your job if you have a high school diploma ($143 more per week), because some jobs will need you to have a diploma to be hired.
You will have a much better chance of staying employed at your job, because you will know what to do at it.
You are less likely to be a criminal than people without a high school diploma, because if you don’t have one you will turn to criminal activity to get money to pay for things.
It offers more lifetime opportunities past having a job like: Having medical insurance because it costs money to have things like that.
Achieving a high school diploma is extremely important to me. With a high school diploma I can go to college and after wards get a really good job, I can’t be as successful in life as I want to be without my diploma. I wouldn’t be able to make as much as money as I want to or travel the world without any education. I cannot be a independent woman like I always wanted to be So that’s why I have to work really hard to get my high school diploma so I can go far in life This will also set a good example for my younger brothers and sisters, I am the oldest in my family yes I won’t be the first to get my diploma my little sister actually got hers before me threw pen foster and I am following her steps cause I also want to do big things with my life.
Even if the 1920’s seem affluent and prosperous on the surface, the realities of time contradicted such notions; in fact, it can be clearly stated that this decade should not be judged as an era of wealth. Inequality was rampant in society at this time, especially when it comes to stark income differences between the upper, middle and lower classes. While it can be said that the upper classes, who make up a mere 1% of the population enjoyed most of these materialistic luxuries, the vast majority of the American population was barely getting by.
Although college tuition is a lot nowadays, graduates are “far less likely to be unemployed than non-graduates.” (D) A college degree gives you a higher chance of getting a job to assist in securing the future of you and your family while also helping paying off your financial obligations. A college degree not only helps you obtain a job, but it also increase your income. “Construction workers,police officers… make significantly more with a degree…“(D)
When employers see a GED instead of a diploma, they will think this person was not able to complete the easiest part of life. AThe high school diploma will look a lot better on job applications. A high school diploma shows ability to push through and not quit when work gets harder and not a dropout. Employers do not see a GED as equivalent to a diploma. Employers also raise the standards for GED holders.
For a well-paying and/or professional job, a college degree is essential. According to Labor Department statistics by the Economic Policy Institute in Washington as stated by Leonhardt, “Americans with four-year college degrees made 98 percent more an hour on average in 2013 than with people without a degree.” A higher income is what most people expect when attaining a degree, but most jobs require
As the price to attend college increases throughout the years many young adults are experiencing increasing difficulty in being able to pay for such an endeavor and many more are beginning to question whether or not it’s worth the price due to the faltering of the economy. The price tag may be the most common concern about getting a college education but another important factor that many students consider when applying for college is how much time they will need to devote to school. Many prospective students think that the time spent in a college math class is a waste when they are majoring in the arts. This results in many students deciding against getting a college education in favor for finding a source of income to support themselves and due to the lack of employment opportunities available today the decision to choose an income over an education is really a matter of survival. However, this is the beginning of a slippery slope that can easily lead to a population that is severely lacking in education which can lead to a disaster in a country where the nations populace are the ones making decisions with their vote. I believe it is time to make education not only cheaper, but more accessible to more people across the country by eliminating course requirements and majors in order to allow students to seek out an education that is tailored to the subject they are seeking to pursue. Doing so will not only result in a lower cost of college by eliminating useless and
A high school diploma is extremely important to my future for several reasons. I intend to go to college, and virtually all post-secondary institutions, colleges and universities require a high school diploma or GED to attend. I want to earn more income, and the U.S. Census Bureau estimates that a person with a high school diploma will earn almost $10,000 more per year. I want to have a challenging job, and a diploma will offer me more career opportunities as a degree shows employers a higher level of deductive reasoning and problem-solving skills. I hope to remain employed throughout my lifetime, and studies have shown that many employers will not even consider a candidate that does not possess a high school diploma. Increasing my education
This quote can also give the reader a lot of insight to what kind of person Grant really is. This quote portrays him as being a very selfish man and this character trait is shown throughout the entire story. Grant refuses to do anything that does not benefit himself including going to educate a dying man because he feels that it is not worth is education. Grants selfish ways are also shown with the way he treats his girlfriend Vivian. He is constantly asking her to run away with him to make himself happy ignoring the fact that she has children that she has to take care of. The quote also analyzes him as being a very angry bitter man. Grant gets angry with his aunt for asking him to do something simple for her but he feels this is too much for
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams,” recited Eleanor Roosevelt. Why is it that some high schoolers want to graduate early? Are there any benefits to the advancement position at which some high schoolers would like to achieve by graduating early? The answer to that question is yes! There are so many great opportunities for those students who want to progress with life quicker and hopefully more accomplished. Early graduation can offer high school students and families a more stable and helpful financial environment. By applying such help and guidance to one 's life, it can enable a student to secure a well put together future for oneself and have a higher chance of success. Another benefit of early
One benefit is that there are more job opportunities for people with a college degree. Randy Tucker of Journal News reveals that of the unemployed people in Ohio, 59 percent had no more than, or never received a high school diploma and 13 percent have a college degree. That means that there are over twice as many people unemployed with no college education than those who have a college degree. Randy Tucker also expressed that in 2010, 20
Geoffrey Chaucer wrote The Canterbury Tales during the Middle Ages. “The Prologue” from The Canterbury Tales is the part of the book that sets the setting and introduces the pilgrims. The purpose of the book was to satirize the corruption within the church. Chaucer satirizes through the pilgrims that are on a pilgrimage to Canterbury. He was a man of the church and did not like the corruption of the church that was happening within the church. Among the pilgrims that are taking the trip; there is a monk and a parson. Both of the pilgrims work in the church. The Monk was corrupt while the Parson acted how Chaucer believed the workers of the should. While both the Monk and Parson work within the church, they each have a different impact within
The reason why I think it’s important to have a high school diploma in your future is because certain jobs that make the big money it’s a requirement for you to have a high school diploma. In this generation it all comes down to money, how much you making, how much you spend and if you don’t have a really good job because you didn’t get your high school diploma then you have to watch what you spend your money on. It is some jobs that you don’t need a high school diploma too work at like for example McDonalds but It a likely chance you’re going to be working there forever making a lot money. It’s also important to have it in the future because of your children why I say that because every parent wants to make their children life better than
A high school diploma is important to my future. With it, I can lead a very successful life if I continue to work hard and strive for my goal. By graduating high school, I will have a better outlook on life and have a sense of pride knowing I can do anything I set my mind to. Having a diploma would also give me a peace of mind and hopefully motivate my friends and family to stay persistent in their studies and to never give up in school. A diploma would greatly increase my chances of finding a job and furthering my education by increasing my chances of being accepted into college. Down the road, I can major in a subject in college that I might have discovered in high school through my electives that will allow me to get a college degree and
Graduating can be crucial to one’s future. Without a high school diploma, there is a high chance of failure in a person’s life. Extending the dropout age to 18 will most definitely raise the graduation rate. Derek Messacar and Philip Oreopoulos, say “Using these estimates, increasing the school-leaving age to 18 for every state would lead to approximately 55,000 more students completing high school…” [Staying in School: A Proposal for Raising High-School Graduation Rates, issues.org]55,000 more students will have a chance at a better life, and there is a 75% less chance that these 55,000 graduates will commit crimes. A diploma can be the difference between a satisfactory and unsatisfactory life. It increases the welfare and accomplishments in one’s life. Earning a diploma, sometimes even increases social involvement. Messacar and Oreopoulos also say, “In addition, studies using various states’ recent change to the minimum school-leaving age have found that each year of additional schooling that students receive lowers the probability by 3.6 percentage points that they will end up unemployed, lowers the likelihood by 5.5 percentage points
College right out of high school is a great opportunity for students to get ahead in the real-world. Studies have been conducted to show the pros and cons of both going to college and not going to college. The college readiness debate is a decision that will need evidence to support you. Although there are studies to show the opinions of both sides of the argument, the positive side of going to college definitely outweighs the negatives. With the articles given, each one can provide high school students with both concrete evidence as to whether or not college is an option for you. College right out of high school is beneficial for students because information is still fresh in your mind, you can get a better job, and if you wait too long you may not end up enrolling.