
What Are The Causes Of Imperialism

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Rough Draft: Causes of New Imperialism I believe that the force that was most responsible for the new imperialism of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was the social force. One reason that social is the main force is because of Social Darwinism, which is the idea that the fittest countries will survive. Another reason is Racism; racist people believed that their race was peerless and that there should be more of that peerless race. The last reason is because of “the white man’s burden”, which is the idea that the Europeans and Americans had the moral responsibility to civilize primitive people. In the following paragraphs I will explain each reason and provide evidence. As I mentioned on the top, I believe Social Darwinism had a great play in the social force. It was when the countries would fight to see which countries were the strongest. It was a competition to see which country was more aggressive. As William Langer said in the book The Diplomacy of Imperialism, “It not only justified competition and struggle but introduced an element of ruthlessness...” All countries would be aggressive with each other for to see who is number one and to see who would last the longest. As …show more content…

In this case the racist people consisted of the British. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries when new imperialism was taking place the British people said they were the finest race. If they owned more territory their race will spread and will make the human race better. In Confession of Faith written by the successful British imperialist, Cecil Rhodes, said that “more territory means more of the Anglo-Saxon race, more of the best, the most human, most honourable race the world possesses.” As you can see Cecil believes that if they own more countries, the British race will take over and make it a better country. This belief made the British want to take over more countries and continue with the new

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