
What Are The Causes Of The War Of 1812

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The War of 1812, was a very significant historical event for the United States. Due to the humiliating failure of the 1807 embargo. Congress, replaced it with the Nonintercourse Act which aimed at Britain and France. It stated that the United States can resume trade between whatever countries that would lift the restriction on American shipping. In the following year, congress passed a legislation that went a step further. Which did not end to well with their foreign relations, President Madison quickly order sanctions against the British. But in the meanwhile, France was continued to seize American Ships. On the western frontier, Native Americans were furious at the government, for we were taking their land and freedom. But to fuel the fire the natives and the British were great allies. Based on the issues discussed previously, America declared war on Britain in 1812 because, it was critical time for the nation to take action before the situation got any worse. After reading the Congressional Report, as a reader we get a better understanding of what truly angered the Americans. With all the foreign relationships in a twist, their “right to use the ocean”, was taken away. The nation was in tremendous fear due their men, ships and cargo being violated in the process of their passageways. Congressman Calhoun, backups the …show more content…

Some of these regions included the Mid Atlantic States, the New England States, The Western Frontier, and lastly the South. President Madison's primary reason for the Declaration of War, was yet again the protection of the people and their maritime rights. He felt that America was being victimized with the acts of wars these foreign countries were places. It wasn't only affecting many people's lives, it also affect the nations world wide trade routes. Without no trade how can any nation make a

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