
What Are The Disadvantages Of Race And Ethnicity

Decent Essays

I am a disadvantaged applicant because my immediate family has a low level of achievement beyond high school and feeling like I do not belong because I am underrepresented minority. As a result, my family was unable to be as involved in my academic successes because they are unfamiliar with the higher education process. Socially, familiar faces of color have been absent in the classroom.
In terms of education, my father was the first and only person in his family to pursue and complete any type of degree post high school. From the ages of 26 through 39, my father started working towards his degree though the local community college before completing classes for his major at the University of Illinois at Carbondale through a program offered by the military. On my mother's side, my great …show more content…

I have faced discrimination inside the classroom and out. Inside the classroom, I would be the only person of color. Due to institutionalized prejudice and incorrect stereotypes, I was frequently the last choice as a potential partner in assignments that required group work, despite my efforts. Conversely, when partners were assigned by the professor, I was greeted with annoyance, frustration, and fear. Furthermore, I could feel the unease and reluctance from my peers whenever I voiced an opinion to be incorporated into an assignment because my partners did not trust that I was strong enough academically to voice the correct answer. Outside of the classroom, there were countless times that I was told directly or indirectly that I am a product of affirmative action or I was asked to be the spokesperson of all people of African descent when there were discussions about race. I am the first in my family to pursue a graduate degree. Despite these challenges, my perseverance to succeed and my hard work are why I know that I can break the cycle and be the first person in my family to attend and complete graduate

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