
What Are The Experiences Of African-American Male StudentsAcademic Success?

Decent Essays

This study endeavored to seek answers that have been at the forefront of research for decades. The researcher has glanced into the lives and experiences of fourteen African-American undergraduate male students to seek answers to the following questions: (1) What are the experiences of African-American male students’ in California’s public high schools? (2) Are California public high schools and school-based professionals adequately preparing African-American male students’ for post-secondary education options? (3) What kind of barriers, if any, has impacted African-American male students’ academic success? (4) How are Black male students’ academically succeeding despite the academic underachievement that data suggests? and (5) What …show more content…

When students feel excluded or not part of, academic achievement decreases (Brown, 2007). The importance of a positive student-to-teacher relationship is critical in order for students to succeed and find themselves fit in the world of academia (Anderson, Nelson, Richardson, Web, & Young, 2011). Interestingly, the data gathered from this study is consistent with previous research on barriers to student achievement. Anderson et al., (2011) goes on to suggest that there is a direct correlation between student behavior, positive or negative, and the teacher’s relationship with a student. When considering this, it must be understood that the relationship between the student and teacher, whether positive or negative, contribute to students’ academic outcomes and sense of belonging.
Preparing African-American male students for college With the rising high school graduation rates among the African-American student body, African-American students are still underrepresented in institutions of higher education (Stinnett, Perkins, Parla, Monson & Ready, 2017). Despite the increasing trends in high school graduation rates among African-American students, immediate college enrollment has not increased significantly since 1990 (Stinnett et al., 2017).

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