
What Are The Impact Of The Song Dynasty

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Introduction: The Song dynasty was a period of time in the Chinese history that was between AD 960 and 1279, and it was one of the dynasties when china prospered in multiple areas, like trade. It was also divided into two parts, the northern song and the southern song; the northern song ruled between AD 960 and 1126, while the southern song ruled between AD 1127 and 1279 (In-text Citation:

A lot of scientific discoveries and cultural changes were made during the time; items like compasses were invented to enhance the development of china. Cultural changes like the imperial examination changed the way people think about working for the government, before, only people with official background could be officials, but in the Song dynasty, anyone who could pass the exams could be an official, and they could advance to higher positions (In-text Citation:

(In-text Citation:
But the Song dynasty disintegrated on AD 1279 because of the constant attack from the Mongols, despite the reinforcements on military made of that time; the song army still didn’t manage to defend the empire against the Mongols (In-text Citation:

The song dynasty benefits the world in various ways, both culturally and technologically. It provided convenience toward the …show more content…

It was first introduced as a weak explosive, and that was first on tang dynasty. Stronger gunpowder was made on the Song dynasty, and powerful weapons were made, like guns, rockets, landmines and bombs. Asides from being a good weapon; it has made mining more efficient than before, and workers didn’t have to smash the rocks that much, so it was easier to get materials and the industry was more productive. Also it was the start for explosive that came along later in the

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