
What Are The Positive Outcomes Of The American Revolution

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The American Revolution was very significant in the lives of all involved. This was a long war in American history lasting six years. “The war divided the colonists between Loyalists, rebels, and those who were indifferent to either side” (Schultz, 2009, pg. 112). Additionally, families were affected, women were laden with many more responsibilities, and slaves anticipated what the future held for them (Schultz, 2009). Several outcomes resulted from the American Revolution. To begin with, the colonists were unified based upon new American description (Schultz, 2009). The nation now recognized they are set apart from other nations based up certain qualities such as political, religious, racial, or historical to name a few. The American colonists fought for their freedom which resulted in the ultimate united patriotic support following the war. …show more content…

Slaves fought on both sides during the war (Schultz, 2009). Some were promised freedom following the war, while others fled during the war. Progression towards abolishing slavery formally began after the war in the North, although it was a slow process. Even some of the south made advancements towards abolishment of slavery. Virginia and Maryland were able to willingly free their slaves. Eventually the freed slaves had built communities where escaped slaves could come to hide. Finally, the North legally set the abolishment into motion. Another key point is the five states in the North permitted African Americans to vote. Even more important is that by 1790, all states except Georgia and South Carolina outlawed importing slaves. Americans began to realize they had fought for liberty and freedom from the Crown, but yet contradictorily enslaved others taken their

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