
What Are The Push And Pull Factors Of Migration In New Zealand?

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New Zealand is filled with migrants. People migrate because of a combination of factors. We have all arrived in this beautiful country as a result of migration. at Some point in life you have to migrate because of push and pull factors.

Push factors have a massive part in moving countries. Most people migrate to other countries because of the push Factor. This is what's making them changed their mind weather but staying in this country or leven it. It's mainly that it is becoming overpopulated, more migrantsAre taking all the good job offers full stop it could also be that it is too violent and they think it might not be a good environment for children to grow up in. For example,My parents decided to migrate to New Zealand because South Africa was full of crimeFull stop many members of our families houses had been robbed full stop this was due to lots of people being poor or enable to make money to afford foodFull stop so they decided the only way they could make money was to steal others belongings full …show more content…

Every person in New Zealand is here because one member of their family was drawn here due to pull factorsFull stop when looking for a country to move to comma we normally look for: economy comma culture, job availability, crime rate, overpopulated and lastly whether it's a good environment for children to grow up in full stop New Zealand has many different Industries from fishingTo hospitality full stop this can help immigrants with finding jobs to make enough money to live full stop this country offers many different types of jobs in an industry. we are mostly known for our farming industry as most of New Zealand is basically farmland. back in the 18 50s New Zealand’s Main pull Factor was the mining opportunities, nowadays that has all changed full stop

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