
What Are The Similarities Between Han China And Imperial Rome

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In many aspects, Han China and Imperial Rome were politically and socially similar yet very different. Each civilization has made great, influential ecological and technological advancements that has helped the formation of many societies and polices. The Han dynasty of China and Imperial Rome were similar in their method of maintaining a stabilized military and a centralized government but they both differed in government techniques and the roles the citizens played. Although the Han dynasty was ruled by an aristocrat and was based on the beliefs of Confucianism, Taoism and local gods and Roman Empire was an autocratic and polytheistic society where it was were ruled by one absolute power and believed in many gods, they both had different level of social …show more content…

Han China and Imperial Rome each had a unique form of leadership and expansion that helped shape the civilization we know today. Han China followed and patterned the Qin dynasty to become the second imperial dynasty of China, where it gained its rulers through ancestors and later developed into a centralized bureaucratic authority whereas, Imperial Rome was governed through wealth and landlords expanding out of a city-state. The Han Dynasty was founded by Liu Bang when he defeated Qin and announced himself as emperor. He sought a middle way between Zhou decentralization and Qin over centralization. Han Wudi was the next ruler of Han dynasty. He ruled from 141-87 B.C.E establishes citizen friendly policies which consisted of more freedom and lowered taxation and did not strive for complete power. Wudi gains the citizens support and expands his empire with the aid from the people unlike Julius Caesar who held the title “dictator” rather than “emperor”. He held supreme military and total political power at all times. He extended leadership to provinces and had an inadequate government organization. Because of the success both empires have established, they

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