
What Are The Similarities Between Panhenome And Parthenon

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Compare and contrast of two famous buildings from ancient Rome and Greece: Parthenon in Athens and the Pantheon in Rome

Student X

University of the People
AHIST 1401


In antiquity many buildings were erected, for various reasons and with various Architectures. In the case of the Pantheon in Rome and the Parthenon in Greece, although their names are quite similar, they have certainly commonalities but also many differences that are important, not to mention the influence of Greek art on Roman art.


Greece has known many wars, and after the Persian wars against the Persian Empire, the city had to be rebuilt. And this is where Pericles undertook major restoration work in the city. Thus …show more content…

This statue was erected in recognition of the protection of the goddess and its benefits to the city. The Parthenon is built in marble. It is composed of two parts unlike a temple. It takes its name from the dirty second is called Parthenon which means "piece girls', and this name will bring the whole edifice.

This edifice reveals the beauty of the classical style. It was built to please the eye, it testifies of ideas of that time, tells that presented by the thinker Protagoras or the Polycletus sculptor.


The Pantheon was built by order of King Agrippa, the edifice was destroyed by fire and is fully reconstructed under the influence of Hadrian king.

At the beginning the temple was built for religious activities and was changed into Christian church in the seventh century. C is a church that has remained intact and functioning till present. There is even a neighborhood in Rome that bears his name.

The word comes from the Greek Pantheon Pántheion, which means "all gods".

How the style and function (use) of each building serves as a typical example of its

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