This assignment is about the six principles of persuasion. A situation will also be described, either real or fiction, where I have used these principles. The six principles of persuasion are “reciprocity” , “scarcity” , “authority”, “commitment and consistency”, “consensus”, and “liking” (McLean, S., 2010).
Reciprocity is the obligation/duty that people feel to give back to others who gave them something. The things which are given can be anything. For example, politicians, when they are campaigning before an election, can help people by giving them food, money, things, etc, so that they can return the favor by voting for them. Businesses also help the community so that they can persuade the people to return the favor by doing business with them.
Scarcity is the limitation in the amount of resources. In business, scarcity is used to make people
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I had an YXTEL phone I have been using for about two years and I decided to sell it after I bought a smart phone. So, one of my friends, came looking for a second hand phone and I persuaded him to buy which he did afterwards. I believed I did use all the six principles of persuasion. I used liking in the sense that I always liked him and he was my friend. So, he likes me back that’s why he came to me and bought it. I used scarcity in the sense that I told him that if he does get it, it won’t be there the following day. I used authority in the sense that I was confident in the wellness of the phone and I know a lot about phones. The other principle I have used is reciprocity, in that I used to do favors for him like changing the phone settings in the past. Consensus was also used in that I told him that people who buy from me never come back to complain that I sold them a damaged product/phone. I also used commitment and consistency in that I gave him the phone before paying to see if it works
Today, one can see the tactic of persuasion being used as a standard avenue to influence a person’s attitude or beliefs by presenting them with different messages that encourage things like using certain brand name products, vote a certain way, or where to take a vacation just to name a few. There are four types of people that include gullible people, skeptical people, firm believers, and people who are leaders who trust others as well as make others follow their ideas. Persuasion is a widespread topic of social psychology and may be done in different ways. There are two types of cognitive processes by which to persuade someone, which are the central route or the peripheral route. For this assignment I used mostly the central route approach as well as using a little of the peripheral route approach. To reinforce the peripheral route approach the use of pathos was also used during the video to play on the emotions of the watcher. This PowerPoint is effective at using the central route of persuasion, peripheral
Persuasion is the key to getting the results you want, not only for politicians or lawyers, but for every one of us. In a job interview, you will have to persuade your interviewers why they should hire you over the other candidates. In a classroom presentation you will have to convince your classmates and teacher that what you're saying is worth listening to and that you deserve a good grade on the assignment.
“As we explore persuasion, we can divide the persuasive communication into three parts: the communicator, the message, and the audience. First, we will deal with what characteristics of persuaders make people more likely to be persuaded. Next, we will think about characteristics of the message that lead people to change. Finally, we will explore what characteristics of the audience can lead them to be persuaded.” (Feenstra, 2011, p. 88) For your assignment this week, provide an in-depth analysis of the three parts of persuasion. Please reference the bullet points below to complete your assignment.
Logos is the use of logic or reason to persuade an audience that the speaker’s idea makes sense and is pertinent to them.
All around our society we witness persuasion. Whether it is a certified dentist selling a toothpaste brand in between our favorite shows on TV, or a church group coming to the door and asking for donations. We see little children begging their parents for a toy, promising they will behave, and the parents give in because they just want peace, quiet, and some time to relax. We have heard of college graduates expressing their qualification for the job, and stating facts about the type of service they are applying for. We look right past it, but in our everyday lives we experience, or even use, the three modes of persuasion. These methods to persuade people were made by a greek philosopher, Aristotle. The first mode is known
Reciprocity is giving and taking (not politically arranged) without the use of money, or a way to swindle. Redistribution the accumulation of goods (or labor) by a particular place and their subsequent distribution. Distribute and Reciprocity fall under the same thing. I found the video Disappearing World very interesting. The moka's exchange help Ongka in his tribe earn fame, pride status by competing with other tribes it's based on whom ever can bring the biggest gift. I thought by them bringing bigger gifts it was all fun in celebration, but when I noticed man coming up dead behind the moka tradition, I realized this isn't all fun and games. Ongka stated, “if the man from another tribe doesn't return his gift he will take him behind a bush
The first essential of persuasion involves the structure of the argument being posed by one who is trying to provoke others to action. In order to convince someone of a new argument, idea or moral, one must use the proper methods: logos, ethos and pathos. According to Hauser, “The method
Scarcity shows us the basic economic problem, where humans have unlimited wants, yet there are only finite amount of resources. Therefore, there are not enough resources to fulfill these unlimited needs. One real world example of a scarce resource is coal. Coal is a resource used for fossil fuel and is a combustible rock. Coal is used for “electricity generation, steel production, cement manufacturing and as a liquid fuel”. As you can see there are many uses for coal, thus there will be companies needing as much coal as they can get, however there is only a finite amount for everyone, therefore it must be allocated correctly in order to satisfy those needing coal for self interest and their own objectives.
Think of a real-life example of the principle of scarcity being used in a persuasive message. Were you the one trying to persuade someone, or were you the receiver of the scarcity message? Was the message effective?
The persuasion is an aspect of the intercultural communication. It is any ideas or action of telling someone to do what we belief. There are three styles of persuasion in differences cultural. There are quasilogical style, presentation style, and analogical style. The quailogical style of persuasion practices by among of Western culture. In this style, the preference is to use the fact and statistic from the expert as evidences. The persuader should connect the logical
Written Assignment Unit 6: Principles of Persuasion The six principles of persuasion are: 1. Reciprocity: The art of quid pro quo, giving the audience awhat they want in exchange for what you hope to achieve. 2. Scarcity: The concept that rare or forbidden fruit are most attractive.
Scarcity is the condition in which human needs are everlastingly more noteworthy than the accessible supply of time, products, and assets.
According to the text , Social Psychology, “social psychology is the scientific study of how people think about, influence, and relate to one another”(pg. 4) this is viewed in a variety of social topics incorporating group behaviors, attitudes, conformity, obedience to authority, stereotypes and peer pressure. Outside factors can have a positive or negative affect our view of ourselves and each other. These outside factors are used to persuade and influence group behavior. Persuasion is defined as “the process by which a message induces change in beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors” (Myers, 2010, pg. 230). The principles of this process of persuasion according to researchers, Robert Cialdini and Thomas Davidson, are attractiveness and
The reciprocity influence describes how a person does something for an individual and the individual being help will return the favor to the other individual when they request their help (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2013).
Persuasion is described as the deliberate process that intends to change an individual’s attitudes, behaviours or beliefs from their previous initial views and ways of behaving in society. Persuasive communication is widespread and evident all around us, including in central areas of politics, marketing and media. Burkholder et al’s (2003) findings support the idea that there are cultural differences evident in the effectiveness of persuasion, in which they found that shortly after the end of the Iraq war, surveys indicated that although Americans favoured the use of military action against Iraq by 2:1, Europeans opposed it by the same margin. There are four key factors that help influence persuasion amongst the masses, depending on their