
What Can Your Computer Handle Recording Up?

Decent Essays


Past Username/s:tyku,chicked


Timezone + Country: PST (Pacific Standard Time) Untied States

Previous bans (Don 't lie): I can 't recall any.

Do you have a working mic: Yes indeed.

Any experience being staff?: I have been staff on plenty of servers to know what I am doing. Servers I have been staff on are WoodyCraft,ParaPvp and other small servers.

How long have you been playing OxPvP?: I would assume a year now.

Time usually spent on the server(s):When I am on I spent around 3-7 hours on kitmap.

What time will you be on till on weekends (Give answer in EST time):

Can your computer handle recording up to 30 FPS?: Yes (I use Action to record.)

Do you have access to Teamspeak and/or Telegram? Yes I have both.
What can you bring to OxPvP?:
I just want to show potential in my abilities of being a Staff member and to tell you how I want to become Staff member and my past experiences! I will keep mean people, hacker, advertiser, out of mapper and spammer away from the HCF server (OxPvP). I see many players insulting each other or saying 'hacker ' because they died. When I help the player they often take me not seriously and insult me too or they say things like 'You aren 't mod '. I know, that doesn 't give them the right to insult someone but If I get the Moderator status I would take action against them and warn them. If they refused what I said I would mute them for a few minutes. Hacking/Cheating/Glitching - First of all, if someone 's

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