
What Caused The American War Dbq

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There were many contributing factors to why the Americans declared war on Britain. Some of them were because of the economy, the way a country makes money. Somewhere because of diplomatic issues, dealing with other countries. Lastly, some were political issues inside the country. In the years leading up to the war, the relationship with Great Britain wasn't the best. We have had a fight with them before and when we separated with them they still weren't the happiest about it.

An economic case for the war was Britain's interference in American trade. Since France recognized our neutrality, Britain was not happy that we stopped trading with them and traded with their enemy. This could have also been a contributing factor to Britain boarding …show more content…

We wanted farmland because we wanted more money. We were in debt at the time and his whole plan was to reduce that as much as possible. In document 3, John Randolph said: “Greed for farmland, not maritime rights, urges the war”. We also had the problem with the native Americans and the British helping them. The natives were rebelling against us and the British were using the land in Canada to bring guns and supplies to them. The push for farmland is also shown in document 5 where it shows the votes to go to war. Maritime states and New England did not want to go to war while states like agricultural mid-Atlantic states, the south, and the western frontier wanted to go to war. It can be assumed that this was because New England was bordering Canada and their economy wasn't as farming focused. New England feared they would be in the middle of the war and the US would lose money. This stems from the fear of having another embargo act, which was when the US closed the ports to prevent war but it ended up costing money. This really impacted our economy by costing jobs to our people. If the seas are blocked off then our sailors and people who make the finished goods won't be able to sell. This once again proves the fact that the British are most of the causes of the …show more content…

Diplomatic issues deal with how other countries treat us and how we treat other countries. One big issue was the way Britain treated us. They did not respect us and they didn't look at us like another country, but as still being owned by them. Then, when we don't fight back it makes us look weak which was also said by war hawk and congressman John C Calhoun. This could make it look like other countries could do the same thing that Britain did or even worse and we wouldn't do anything about it. He also brought the point to light, do we abandon or defend our own commercial and maritime rights. Which was a good argument because no one wants to seem weak but do we want to lose a big way of our

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