
What Does Being Canadian Mean?

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What does being Canadian mean to you? Safety? Freedom? Maple syrup perhaps? Canada as a nation is perceived as a powerhouse of a country with a great humanitarian force. With the recent influx of refugees, a GDP of $51,958.38 per capita, and a humanitarian Prime Minster, one could definitely say and that Canada appears to be treating its citizens right, on the surface. But, underneath the surface of public perception is the dark truth that 's remained hidden for decades but never been acknowledged . That being, the staggering 1017 Aboriginal women and girls who were murdered or have gone missing between the years of 1980 and 2012, a rate that is 4.5 times higher than any other racial group of women in Canada that continues to grow daily …show more content…

But, where the government is truly at fault is in not supporting the numerous problems within these Aboriginal reserves that have been building for decades and as a result, created the current turmoil dealing with missing and murdered Aboriginal women. The current crisis of the murdered and missing Aboriginal women of Canada is a symptom of larger issues within Native reserves that have gradually over time become more pronounced and consequently inhibited the growth of women in these communities; these issues being, the widespread third world living conditions, early childhood sexual abuse that results in later domestic violence and the cycle of substance abuse.
Firstly, the water, educational and housing conditions within reserves have been enabling factors in the murders and disaperrances of thousands of Aboriginal women in Canada.To start off, the most basic and essentiall necessity that first world countries claim to offer, and more importantly have the resources to offer, is water. But, on Indigenous reserves the ability to obtain sanitary water has always been a continuing nightmare. “Between 2004 and 2014, 93 per cent of all First Nations in Saskatchewan and New Brunswick reported at least one water advisory in their communities” (Levasseur) and even worse, one of the places that 's been dealing with an unhealthy supply of water for a remarkably prolonged period of time has been the Neskantaga First Nation community

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