
What Does Bravery Mean To Be Brave

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Carter never really had a home to call his as his whole life he pretty much living out of a suitcase. He was always traveling cause his dad was Egyptologist and was always going somewhere else to study new things. Carter never really had the lifestyle Sadie did actually they were like complete opposite as Sadie lived in a house and went to school. Carter was suppose to be homeschooled but the only thing his dad really taught him was about Egypt and things along that line. Carter had a very good relationship with his dad and had a lot of respect for him and listened to everything he taught and told him. When Carter lost his dad it had to of been hard as that has been the person right next to him his whole life. When Carter has a lot of guts to do some of the things he’s done. Carter throughout this book has proven himself to be brave and everyone has seen it besides him. Bravery is a bold word and people who earn to be described that word is people like heros. Carter is definitely a hero too especially to Sadie even though she doesn't like to show it. Being brave is something to be proud of and Carter just hasn't figured it out yet.

Being fourteen and taking care of your ten year …show more content…

Carter put everything on the line and risked his own live to save his dad and for a fourteen year old kid to do that takes some bravery. With everything going on Carter is so confused and Amos his uncle introduced him to a lot of new things and also showed him things he never thought he could do. Carter figured out what his dad was really after and what his dad could do. When Amos taught Carter about magic and how to use it that it’s a risky thing to do and you have to be brave to even wanna use it because it can be dangerous, but that doesn’t faze Carter cause he is determined to save his

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