
What Does Character Mean To Me

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Character can be defined as the sum of features and traits that form the individual as a human being. Character is also established by one's actions, habits, and opinions relating to morality. Often in life people struggle with who they really are, and who they are due to others involvement in shaping their personality. We, as humans that make mistakes, tend to lose our ¨role model¨ expectation when taken by surprise. Jeremy Taylor once said, ¨A fair reputation is a plant, delicate in its nature, and by no means rapid in its growth. It will not shoot up in a night like the gourd of the prophet; but, like that gourd, it may perish in a night.¨ This, in my opinion, means character is a delicate thing in our lives. A humans morals and character …show more content…

In my life, my Dad and Mom are responsible for helping me shape my character. However, it is nowhere close to being defined. My character will continue to be formed as I grow as an individual and in the end will ultimately be determined by myself. My parents show me what is right and what is wrong when unhealthy situations arise. When I was a young girl my parents taught me to never say anything unless it was something nice. Little things like this have stuck with me and aided in my formation of my character. I feel that I have a strong moral compass in the majority of situations. I tend to do the right thing regardless of others opinions. As human beings, we have faults. I have grown up occasionally choosing the wrong decision. My loved ones have shown me that you yourself are the only person one can protect. I also have a need to do my best work in life, or else I would feel unaccomplished. I learned this from my Dad who always did his best work and constantly was hard on himself. He inspires me to great things with my life. I have my family to thank for all of the great lessons to contribute to my …show more content…

America will never agree on any one thing, but we are for sure struggling with our morals. Kids growing up have no morals and tend to make them up as they go, they are growing to do more and more careless acts. First, Lindsay Lohan had a major character crisis. Lindsay Lohan started out as an amazing actress and singer. Her career started as a three year old as a child fashion model. Lindsay Lohan was too focused on others opinions, she quickly lost her own. She spiraled out of control leading to multiple drunk driving charges as well as possession charges. More recently, teenagers are flash robbing stores. They go into a store and quickly steal all they can and run out. Other than the fact it is illegal, it is extremely morally wrong to most individuals. The fact these flash robbers think it is acceptable shows they do not know right from wrong. Clearly America and its people are in a great confusion of how to act, what their character is and how it should be

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