
What Does Faith Symbolize In Young Goodman Brown

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The author does this by describing both Faith and Brown as good citizens in the beginning, but at the end they are described as failures because they followed the devil. Another symbolic character in “Young Goodman brown” is Faith. She represents the Christian faith and the women in the Salem community. She is according to her husband, Brown a “sweet pretty wife with a pink ribbon, who is a blessed angel on earth” The pink ribbon that she puts on her cap represent her personality. Already in the beginning of the story, Hawthorn describes Faith's personality by using the pink ribbons as a symbol of her personality, by writing; “And Faith, as the wife was aptly names, trust her own pretty head into the street, letting the wind play with the pink ribbons of her cap while she called to Goodman Brown”
In this description, Hawthorn uses imagery to make the readers imagine Faith as a beautiful innocent woman who is religious. This is one of many examples of how Hawthorn uses imagery to represent symbols in the text. In addition to imagery, Hawthorn makes it clear that being religious does not mean that they are perfect and he illustrate this by using the color pink to symbolize both evil and good. Pink is a mix of red and white, which means that the red in this context represent power and …show more content…

This has an extraordinary effect on the readers because Hawthorn is giving them a mental picture of how scary the forest is which might be how Hawthorn imagined it when he wrote this story. As a result, he awakens his readers by making them fear the forest by using phrases such as “dreary” “creep” and “gloomiest” Moreover, using the setting as symbol makes it easier for the author to create the mood of the story, which are gloomy and dark. This shows Hawthorns influence on the reader’s interpretation of the story as a

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