
What Does Happiness And Self Gratification Or Happiness

Decent Essays

Unfortunately, however, having worked in the field of personal development for more than fourteen years, I have come to the conclusion that most people aren't really quite sure what happiness actually means. And, perhaps, happiness has been confused with self gratification or pleasure. So what does happiness actually mean? Does it mean having lots of nice things - nice home, second home, nice cars, nice clothes, nice holidays? Because, certainly over the last few years, many people fell into the trap of judging their happiness based on these kinds of things - and of judging their happiness by comparison to the nice things that others around them had. Believe it or not, I actually had a client 'phone me at one point to tell me that his wife was threatening to leave him because she said and I quote 'The neighbours go on better holidays!' 'Help her pack her bags', I said! …show more content…

Don't get me wrong though - it doesn't exclude having lots of nice things, but they are not a prerequisite to happiness. Happiness is about having happy times or, as my clients day to me, 'being gurdy!' - a word that means something very special to myself, my family, my friends and my clients. Happiness is an inner feeling that you have that all is well with the world and your place in it. It is a feeling of wanting for nothing - not not wanting to travel further on the wonderful adventure of life's rollercoaster - but simply of not wanting for anything right here right

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