
What Does It Mean To Say That Graffiti Is Not Vandalism

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“This world is but a canvas to our imagination” (Henry David Thoreau). Artist’s now and then have come in all shapes and forms as does the art itself. An old saying goes that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This mean that if i view something as beautiful does not mean everyone else will view it the same way I have. This applys alot to art. Some people view some art in different ways than other view it. This also applies to graffiti. Some view it as art ,others as vandalism. It’s all in the eye of the beholder So I would believe that Graffiti is not vandalism, but art. Graffiti is art because it incorporates different elements of art, like lines and shapes, into a new form of art. Tagging and graffiti are commonly clumped together,

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