
What Does Joseph Stalin Represent In Animal Farm

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ven though Animal Farm uses animals for characters, those characters represent historical figures from the Russian Revolution. Old Major from Animal Farm is a representation of Karl marx because they both realized that they were being treated miserably and wanted to make difference. In the Russian Revolution it stated, “ Marx, like other socialist thinkers of the 19th century, denounced the cruel injustices of industrial capitalist society as he saw it”(6). The Russian Revolution also explained, “He had a vision of ending the exploitation of man and establishing a class society in which all people would be equal”(6). In Animal Farm Orwell describes Old Major declaring many statements, “The life of an animal is misery and slavery that is the …show more content…

In Joseph Stalin's case he assassinated Leon Trotsky to take control of the Communist Party. In the Russian Revolution it expressed that, “Later Trotsky was expelled, then deported and finally assassinated in Mexico, probably by the Stalinist agent in 1940”(6). As for Napoleon he kicked Snowball out of the Farm with his guard dogs. As Orwell described in his book, “They dashed straight for Snowball, who only sprang from his place just in time to escape their snapping jaws”(53). They both eventually take control, but take advantage of it. Napoleon's dogs represent Stalin's secret agents from the Russian Revolution because Napoleon's dogs chased out Snowball out of the farm and Trotsky was assisted by Stalin's agents. Orwell expresses, “Snowball was racing across the long pasture...he was running as only a pig can run, but the dogs were close on his heels”(53). In the Russian Revolution it stated, “Later Trotsky was expelled, then deported and finally assassinated in Mexico, probably by the Stalinist agent in 1940”(6). Snowball is a perfect example of Trotsky because they both were both

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