
What Does The American Dream Mean To Me Essay

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My definition of the “American Dream” means is that everyone should have equal opportunities to success. Everyone should have equal opportunities success no matter what religion, race, skin tone you are because everybody is equal. The American Dream has helped us Americans because without it, people wouldn’t have equal rights as we do today because it the American Dream didn’t exist until 1931. Now that we have it us Americans have equal opportunities to success.
The American Dream is about democracy, rights, liberty, opportunity and equality. Everyone deserves democracy, rights, liberty, opportunity and equality because that's what the American Dream is about. “Our Founding Fathers introduced the revolutionary idea that each person's …show more content…

especially by working hard and becoming successful”. From this quote it’s saying that if your hard working and successful, you can have a nice house, a lot of money, with good jobs you are living in the American Dream. Not everyone can have a nice house, a lot of money, or a good job and they could still live in the American Dream because it acts on everyone not just the wealthy. Everybody deserves to have rights, success, and opportunities because they are American Citizens. You can live in a apartment or a small house and still be apart if the American Dream because it reflects on all citizens. Also, some Americans don’t believe the American Dream doesn’t exist because some people don’t have jobs, money and houses, but you can still believe the American Dream and you can still get a job and get money and a house. “We collect data about how our economy is working — GDP, the monthly unemployment rates, poverty rates — and then we collect data on how we feel the economy is working.” People don’t believe in the American dream because of unemployment rates and poverty rates but now the unemployments rates are decreasing and the poverty rates as

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